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Learning material Audio Actions
A1.1.3: Saludos - informales y formales Greetings - informal and formal
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Saludos y despedidas (Greetings and Farewells)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.2.3: Cómo presentarse en España How to Introduce Yourself in Spain
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Decir tu nombre (Telling your name)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.3.3: España y sus regiones Spain and its regions
Type: Geography
Chapter: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.4.2: Los números en el Juego de La Oca The numbers in the Game of Goose
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Números y contar (Numbers and counting)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.5.3: La comida familiar The family meal
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Familia (Family)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.6.3: Tradiciones de cumpleaños en España Birthday traditions in Spain
Type: Celebrations
Chapter: Decir tu edad (Saying your age)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.7.3: Estudios Universitarios en España University Studies in Spain
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Profesiones y estudios (Professions and studies)
Level: A1
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.9.3: Sorrolla y La Luz del Día Sorolla and the Daylight
Type: Art
Chapter: Días de la semana y partes del día. (Days of the week and parts of the day)
Level: A1
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.10.3: Un Viaje por España y Sus Climas A Journey through Spain and Its Climates
Type: Geography
Chapter: El clima y el tiempo (The weather)
Level: A1
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.12.3: Sintiendo las estaciones a través de la música Feeling the Seasons Through Music
Type: Art
Chapter: Estaciones, meses y partes del año. (Seasons, months and parts of the year)
Level: A1
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.13.3: Los Relojes de Dalí The Clocks of Dalí
Type: Art
Chapter: Decir la hora y leer el reloj. (Telling the time and reading the clock)
Level: A1
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.14.3: Días Festivos en España Holidays in Spain
Type: Celebrations
Chapter: Fechas del calendario y días festivos. (Calendar dates and holidays)
Level: A1
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.15.3: ¿Qué es la Dieta Mediterránea? What is the Mediterranean Diet?
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Alimentación diaria (Daily food)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.16.3: Rutina diaria tradicional española Traditional Spanish Daily Routine
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Rutinas diarias (Daily routines)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.17.3: Las tapas españolas Spanish tapas
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Cocinar (Cooking)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.19.2: La Peseta - La Antigua Moneda de España The Peseta - The Old Currency of Spain
Type: History
Chapter: Precios y dinero (Prices and money)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.20.3: En el Mercado de La Boquería At La Boquería Market
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Hacer la compra (Grocery shopping)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.21.2: El traje de flamenca The flamenco dress
Type: Art
Chapter: En la tienda de ropa (At the clothing shop)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.22.2: Érase una vez...el cuerpo humano Once upon a time...the human body
Type: Art
Chapter: Partes del cuerpo (Body parts)
Level: A1
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.23.2: "Las Meninas" de Velázquez "Las Meninas" by Velázquez
Type: History
Chapter: Apariencia física (Physical appearance)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.24.2: Colores de España: La bandera española Colours of Spain: The Spanish flag
Type: History
Chapter: Colores (Colours)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.25.2: Platero y yo: una historia de amistad Platero y yo: a story of friendship
Type: Art
Chapter: Emociones y sentimientos (Emotions and feelings)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.26.1: Cinco sentidos en España Five senses in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Sentidos y percepción (Senses and perceiving)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.27.2: Arquitectura española: formas y diseño Spanish Architecture: Forms and Design
Type: Art
Chapter: Todo tipo de formas (Shapes and forms)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.28.2: ¿Cómo son los españoles? What are Spaniards like?
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Carácter y personalidad (Character and personality)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.29.3: La siesta: descanso y bienestar en España The siesta: rest and well-being in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Estado físico y sensaciones. (Physical states and sensations)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.30.3: El Centro de salud en España The Centro de salud in Spain
Type: State structure
Chapter: En el medico (At the doctor)
Level: A1
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.31.3: Las Casas de Gaudí The Houses of Gaudí
Type: History
Chapter: Nuestra casa (Our house)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.32.3: La Alacena La Alacena
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Muebles (Furniture)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.33.3: ¿Qué desayunan los españoles? What do the Spanish have for breakfast?
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Vajilla (Tableware)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.34.3: La Mesa Camilla y El Brasero La Mesa Camilla y El Brasero
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Electrodomésticos (Household appliances)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.35.3: Alojamientos Históricos - Los Paradores Historic Accommodations - Los Paradores
Type: History
Chapter: Vivienda y alojamiento (Housing and accommodation)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.36.2: El Jardín de los Naranjos en Sevilla The Orange Tree Garden in Seville
Type: Geography
Chapter: En el jardín (In the garden)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.37.2: El amor por las mascotas en España Love for pets in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Tus mascotas (Your pets)
Level: A1
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.38.2: La Biblioteca Nacional de España The National Library of Spain
Type: Architecture
Chapter: Servicios cotidianos (Everyday services)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.39.3: Ferran Adrià y el restaurante "El Bulli" Ferran Adrià and the restaurant El Bulli
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Pedir comida y salir a cenar (Ordering food and dining out)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.40.3: Real Madrid y Barça: el fútbol español Real Madrid and Barça: Spanish football
Type: Sports
Chapter: Deportes y ejercicio (Sports and exercise)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.41.2: Planes de fin de semana en ciudades españolas Weekend plans in Spanish cities
Type: Art
Chapter: Describir pasatiempos (Describing hobbies)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.42.3: El tren de alta velocidad: el AVE de España The high-speed train: Spain's AVE
Type: Geography
Chapter: Transporte (Transportation)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.43.2: Las señales del camino de Santiago The signs of the Camino de Santiago
Type: Geography
Chapter: Pedir y dar direcciones. (Asking for and giving directions)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.44.3: El Museo del Prado The Prado Museum
Type: Art
Chapter: Viernes por la noche (Friday night out)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.45.3: El musical "La Llamada" The musical "The Call"
Type: Art
Chapter: Música y arte (Music and art)
Level: A1
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.1.3: Viajar a las Islas Baleares: Mallorca e Ibiza Travel to the Balearic Islands: Mallorca and Ibiza
Type: Geography
Chapter: Planes de vacaciones (Holiday plans)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.2.3: ¿Qué lleva un peregrino en la mochila? What does a pilgrim carry in their rucksack?
Type: Sports
Chapter: Empacar tu equipaje (Packing your luggage)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.3.3: El Albergue de San Antón: Un refugio en el Camino de Santiago El Albergue de San Antón: A refuge on the Camino de Santiago
Type: Architecture
Chapter: Reserva tu alojamiento (Book your accomodation)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.4.3: El aeropuerto de Barajas: Puerta de Madrid Barajas Airport: Gateway to Madrid
Type: Geography
Chapter: En el aeropuerto y en el avión. (At the airport and in the plane.)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.5.3: El transporte en España Transport in Spain
Type: Geography
Chapter: Alquila tu transporte (Rent your transportation)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.6.2: El Camino de Santiago: Alojamiento en albergues El Camino de Santiago: Accommodation in hostels
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: En el hotel (At the hotel)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.8.3: El turismo en masa Mass tourism
Type: Architecture
Chapter: ¿Un desastre de vacaciones? (Holiday disaster?)
Level: A2
Module 1 (A2): Viajar: ¡A lo desconocido! (Travelling: into the wild!)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.10.1: La Lotería de Navidad: Un evento inolvidable The Christmas Lottery: An unforgettable event
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: ¿Oíste las noticias? (Did you hear the news?)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.11.3: "Chicos en la playa": el retrato de la juventud, la inocencia y el pasado "Kids on the Beach": the Portrait of Youth, Innocence, and the Past
Type: Art
Chapter: Infancia y recuerdos (Childhood and memories)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.12.2: La Guerra Civil Española: un momento histórico The Spanish Civil War: a historical moment
Type: History
Chapter: Mi tiempo en la escuela (My time at school)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.13.3: Los años 70s, 80s, 90s => cambios en la sociedad/moda/estilo de vida The 70s, 80s, 90s => changes in society/fashion/lifestyle
Type: History
Chapter: A través de las décadas (Through the decades)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations

A2.14.1: Don Quijote de la Mancha: Entre Molinos y Sueños Don Quijote de la Mancha: Between Windmills and Dreams
Type: Art
Chapter: En la biblioteca (At the library)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.16.1: Los príncipes de Asturias: la corona de España The Princes of Asturias: the Crown of Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: El gobierno (The government)
Level: A2
Module 2 (A2): El buen pasado (The good old past)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.18.1: Los acentos en España The accents in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Visitando amigos (Visiting friends)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.19.3: El toro de lidia: una tradición en la cultura española The fighting bull: a tradition in Spanish culture
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Visita el campo (Visit the countryside)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.21.3: Las salinas de Torrevieja The salt flats of Torrevieja
Type: Geography
Chapter: Observación de estrellas (Star watching)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.22.3: El desierto de Tabernas: el Hollywood español The Tabernas Desert: the Spanish Hollywood
Type: Geography
Chapter: Un día en el zoológico (A day at the zoo)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.23.3: El Tajo y el Ebro: los ríos más grandes de España The Tagus and the Ebro: the largest rivers in Spain
Type: Geography
Chapter: Direcciones del viento (Wind directions)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.24.3: Los Pirineos y la Sierra Nevada The Pyrenees and Sierra Nevada
Type: Sports
Chapter: Caminar el domingo. (Going for a Sunday walk.)
Level: A2
Module 3 (A2): Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.26.2: ¿Dónde viven los españoles: en casas o pisos? Where do Spaniards live: in houses or flats?
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Clases de pasatiempos (Hobby classes)
Level: A2
Module 4 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.27.3: La tortilla de patata: ¿qué tiene de especial? La tortilla de patata: what makes it special?
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Comida para llevar (Takeaway food)
Level: A2
Module 4 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.28.3: El aceite de oliva Olive oil
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Comida y hábitos saludables (Healthy food and habits)
Level: A2
Module 4 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.29.3: Los carriles bici y las vías peatonales en España The bike lanes and pedestrian areas in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Transporte (sostenible) ((Sustainable) transport)
Level: A2
Module 4 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.31.3: La revolución del fitness al aire libre en las ciudades de España The outdoor fitness revolution in the cities of Spain
Type: Sports
Chapter: Ejercicio y estilo de vida (Exercise and lifestyle)
Level: A2
Module 4 (A2): Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.33.3: El Camino de Santiago: un sueño hecho realidad The Camino de Santiago: A dream come true
Type: History
Chapter: Lista de deseos (Bucket list)
Level: A2
Module 5 (A2): Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.34.3: La importancia de la familia en la cultura española The importance of family in Spanish culture
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Planes familiares (Family plans)
Level: A2
Module 5 (A2): Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.36.3: La Universidad de Salamanca: la más antigua de España The University of Salamanca: the oldest in Spain
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Educación y graduación (Education and graduation)
Level: A2
Module 5 (A2): Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.37.2: España: uno de los países con mayor esperanza de vida Spain: one of the countries with the highest life expectancy
Type: History
Chapter: Estar jubilado (To be retired)
Level: A2
Module 5 (A2): Planes para el futuro (Future Plans)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.38.1: Correos: El servicio postal de España Correos: The postal service of Spain
Type: History
Chapter: De la oficina de correos al correo electrónico (From post office to email)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.39.3: Crisis económica del 2008: cambios en la situación laboral 2008 Economic Crisis: changes in the employment situation
Type: History
Chapter: Buscando trabajo (Looking for a job)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.40.3: "El Método": Una Entrevista Mortal "El Método": A Deadly Interview
Type: Art
Chapter: Entrevista de trabajo (Job interview)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.41.2: La tradición de los "Los Castells": las torres humanas The tradition of the “Castells”: human towers
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Trabajo en equipo (Teamwork)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.43.3: Las reuniones de trabajo y el café Work meetings and coffee
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Oficina y reuniones (Office and meetings)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.42.3: ¿Existen jerarquías dentro de las empresas españolas? Are there hierarchies within Spanish companies?
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Opiniones y negociaciones (Opinions and negotiations)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.45.3: El teletrabajo: una nueva forma de vivir Telecommuting: a new way of living
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: ¿Teletrabajo u oficina? (Remote work or the office?)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.44.3: El arte de delegar: las Fallas de Valencia The art of delegating: the Fallas of Valencia
Type: History
Chapter: Organización y delegación (Organisation and delegation)
Level: A2
Module 6 (A2): En el trabajo (At work)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B2.7.3: El Oceanográfico de Valencia The Oceanográfico de Valencia
Type: Art
Chapter: Gestión de residuos y ecología (Waste management and ecology)
Level: A2
Module 1 (B2): Ciudades: ¿selva o comunidad? (Cities: jungle or community?)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations