Vocabulary (13) Share Copied!
Listening & reading materials
Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.
A2.1.3 Cultura
Viajar a las Islas Baleares: Mallorca e Ibiza
Travel to the Balearic Islands: Mallorca and Ibiza
It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!
Conversation exercise Share Copied!
- ¿A dónde vas de vacaciones? (Where are you going on holiday? )
- ¿Qué medio de transporte vas a usar para viajar y por qué? (What transportation are you going to use to travel and why? )
- ¿Con quién vas? (Who are you going with?)
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
Example phrases:
Voy a Italia para ver la ciudad y comer pizza. I am going to Italy to see the city and eat pizza. |
Voy a ir de camping con mi familia a las montañas I am going camping with my family in the mountains |
Viajaré en tren para ver el paisaje. I will travel by train to see the scenery. |
Voy a viajar en avión porque es rápido y cómodo. I am going to travel by plane because it is fast and comfortable. |
Voy con mis amigos. I am going with my friends. |
Voy con mi familia porque me gusta estar con ellos I am going with my family because I like being with them |
... |
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Reorder sentences
Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
Tener planes
To have plans
El turista
The tourist
El viaje
The journey
La agencia de viajes
The travel agency
El guía turístico
The tour guide
Exercise 3: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
hemos visitado, he ido, habéis quedado, hemos ido, habéis visitado, han visitado, ha quedado, has ido
Exercise 4: Preposiciones: "desde" y "hasta"
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
hasta, desde
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 1,
Adjectives: 1,
Nouns: 7,
Sentences / word combination: 4
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Agencias de viajes | Travel agencies |
Compran un billete | They buy a ticket |
Comprar un billete | Buy a ticket |
El guía turístico | The tour guide |
El turista | The tourist |
El viaje | The journey |
El viaje corto | The short trip |
El vuelo | The flight |
Excursiones guiadas | Guided tours |
Hacen una excursión | Take a trip |
He comprado un billete | I have bought a ticket |
Irse de vacaciones | To go on holiday |
La agencia de viajes | The travel agency |
La excursión | The excursion |
La oficina de turismo | The tourism office |
Lugares turísticos | Tourist destinations |
Relajado | Relaxed |
Relajarse | To relax |
Tener planes | To have plans |
Tiene planes | He has plans |
Tienes planes | Do you have plans |
Turistas | Tourists |
Viaja | He travels |
Visitar | To visit |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson Share Copied!
Quedar to meet Share Copied!
Pretérito perfecto
Spanish | English |
yo he quedado | I have met |
tú has quedado | You have met |
él/ella ha quedado | he has met |
nosotros/nosotras hemos quedado | we have met |
vosotros/vosotras habéis quedado | You have met |
ellos/ellas han quedado | They have met |
Ir to go Share Copied!
Pretérito perfecto
Spanish | English |
yo he ido | I have gone |
tú has ido | You have gone |
él/ella ha ido | he has gone |
nosotros/nosotras hemos ido | We have gone |
vosotros/vosotras habéis ido | you have gone |
ellos/ellas han ido | They have gone |
Visitar to visit Share Copied!
Pretérito perfecto
Spanish | English |
yo he visitado | I have visited |
tú has visitado | you have visited |
él/ella ha visitado | he has visited |
nosotros/nosotras hemos visitado | we have visited |
vosotros/vosotras habéis visitado | you have visited |
ellos/ellas han visitado | They have visited |
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