Vocabulary (15) Share Copied!
Listening & reading materials
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Conversation exercise Share Copied!
- Describe a las personas y los animales en las imágenes. (Describe the people and animals in the pictures.)
- Describe a la persona sentada a tu lado. (Describe the person sitting next to you.)
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
Example phrases:
La mujer tiene el pelo largo y castaño. The woman has long brown hair. |
Tiene el pelo negro y corto. Se afeita. He has short black hair. He shaves himself. |
El perro es alto y gordo. The dog is tall and fat. |
Claire es alta y tiene el pelo largo y rubio. Claire is tall and has long blond hair. |
Tiene el pelo corto y oscuro. He has short dark hair. |
Él es muy alto. He is very tall. |
... |
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Reorder sentences
Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
To shave
Exercise 3: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
os afeitáis, se seca, se afeita, me afeito, se afeitan, te secas, se secan, nos secamos
Exercise 4: La concordancia de los adjetivos
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
pelirrojo, alta, corto, castaños, larga, bajo, morena, guapa
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 2,
Adjectives: 13,
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Afeitarse | To shave |
Alto | Tall |
Baja | Short |
Bajas | Short |
Bajo | Low |
Castaño | Brown |
Corto | Short |
Delgadas | Slim |
Delgado | Thin |
Deporte | Sport |
Feo | Ugly |
Gordo | Fat |
Guapo | Handsome |
Igual | Same |
Largo | Long |
Moreno | Dark-skinned |
Pelirroja | Red-haired |
Pelirrojo | Red-haired |
Rubio | Blond |
Secarse | To dry oneself |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson Share Copied!
Afeitarse to shave Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo me afeito | I shave |
tú te afeitas | You shave |
él/ella se afeita | He shaves |
nosotros/nosotras nos afeitamos | We shave |
vosotros/vosotras os afeitáis | You shave |
ellos/ellas se afeitan | they shave |
Secarse to dry oneself Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo me seco | I dry myself |
tú te secas | you dry yourself |
él/ella se seca | He dries himself |
nosotros/nosotras nos secamos | We dry ourselves |
vosotros/vosotras os secáis | You all dry yourselves |
ellos/ellas se secan | They dry themselves |
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