Vocabulary (9) Share Copied!
It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!
A2.30.1 Gramática
Locuciones preposicionales: hablar sobre actividades
Prepositional phrases: talking about activities
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
La cazadora
The jacket
To try on
Los calcetines
The socks
Llevar una gorra
Wearing a cap
Exercise 3: Locuciones preposicionales: hablar sobre actividades
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
a causa de, alrededor de, Gracias a, en vez de, A pesar de, Alrededor de
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary (9): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 2, Nouns: 4, Sentences / word combination: 1
Spanish | English |
Antiguo | Vintage |
El probador | The changing room |
La blusa | The blouse |
La cazadora | The jacket |
Llevar una gorra | Wearing a cap |
Los calcetines | The socks |
Moderno | Modern |
Ponerse | To put on |
Probarse | To try on |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson Share Copied!
Disfrutar to enjoy Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo disfruto | I enjoy |
tú disfrutas | You enjoy |
él/ella disfruta | he/she enjoys |
nosotros/nosotras disfrutamos | we enjoy |
vosotros/vosotras disfrutáis | You enjoy |
ellos/ellas disfrutan | they enjoy |
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