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Spanish A1.9.3 Sorolla and the Daylight

Discover how Joaquín Sorolla captures the magic of dawn, afternoon, and dusk in his paintings, showcasing the beauty of the parts of the day in Spain.

Cultura: Sorrolla y La Luz del Día

Descubre cómo Joaquín Sorolla captura la magia del amanecer, la tarde y el atardecer en sus pinturas, mostrando la belleza de las partes del día en España.

Spanish A1.9.3 Sorolla and the Daylight

A1 Spanish Art Spain

Level: A1

Module 2: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Lesson 9: Días de la semana y partes del día. (Days of the week and parts of the day)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Reading and listening exercise

Joaquín Sorolla es un pintor de Valencia. Pinta escenas de la playa. Usa la luz del amanecer y del atardecer. En la mañana, todo es fresco, como en "Paseo a Orillas del Mar". Por la tarde, hay sombras, como en "Niños en la Playa". Al atardecer, los colores son cálidos, como en "El Pescador". Sus pinturas muestran las distantas partes del día.


Joaquín Sorolla is a painter from Valencia. He paints beach scenes. He uses the light of the dawn and the dusk. In the morning, everything is fresh, like in "Walk on the Water's Edge". In the afternoon, there are shadows, like in "Children on the Beach". At dusk, the colours are warm, like in "The Fisherman". His paintings show the different parts of the day.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Qué momento del día aparece en "Paseo a Orillas del Mar"? A) La mañana B) La tarde c) La noche
  2. What time of day appears in "Paseo a Orillas del Mar"? A) The morning B) The afternoon C) The night
  3. ¿Qué cuadro de Sorolla representa el atardecer?
  4. Which Sorolla painting represents the sunset?
  5. ¿Te gustan las pinturas de Sorolla?
  6. Do you like Sorolla's paintings?
  7. ¿Conoces algún pintor de tu país parecido a él?
  8. Do you know any painter from your country similar to him?

Useful websites to study with your teacher

Discuss and read the following resources during your conversation classes.

  1. https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joaqu%C3%ADn_Sorolla