Vocabulary (21) Share Copied!
Listening & reading materials
Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.
It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!
Conversation exercise Share Copied!
- ¿Qué hizo Eva hoy? ¿Por dónde pasó? (What did Eva do today? Where did she pass by?)
- ¿Dónde has estado hoy? (Where have you been today? )
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
Example phrases:
Eva ha ido al gimnasio esta mañana. Eva has gone to the gym this morning. |
Después ella ha pasado por la panadería para comprar algo de comida. Afterwards she has passed by the bakery to buy some food. |
Ha pasado por el banco por la tarde. She has passed by the bank in the evening. |
Hoy he ido al hospital porque trabajo allí como médico. I have gone to the hospital today because I work there as a doctor. |
He estado en el colegio esta mañana por mis hijos. I have been to the school this morning because of my children. |
He ido a la universidad y a la biblioteca hoy. I have gone to the university and the library today. |
... |
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Reorder sentences
Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
La cafetería
The cafeteria
Las urgencias
The emergencies
To pass
La gasolinera
The gas station
El hospital
The hospital
Exercise 3: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
usas, usan, pasan, usáis, pasáis, uso, pasa, usamos
Exercise 4: "Estar" + participio
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
preparadas, preparado, cerradas, abierta, vendido, organizada, cerrada, alquilada
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 2,
Adjectives: 2,
Nouns: 17,
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Abierta | Open |
Bibliotecas | Libraries |
Cerrado | Closed |
El banco | The bank |
El gimnasio | The gym |
El hospital | The hospital |
El ordenador | The computer |
Internet | The Internet |
La biblioteca | The library |
La cafetería | The cafeteria |
La comisaría | The police station |
La escuela | The school |
La farmacia | The pharmacy |
La gasolinera | The gas station |
La oficina | The office |
La oficina de correos | The post office |
La panadería | The bakery |
La peluquería | The hairdresser's |
La universidad | The university |
Las urgencias | The emergencies |
Pasan | They pass |
Pasar | To pass |
Pronto | Ready |
Reservar | Book |
Tarde | Late |
Usan | They use |
Usar | To use |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson Share Copied!
Usar to use Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo uso | I use |
tú usas | you use |
él/ella usa | he/she uses |
nosotros/nosotras usamos | we use |
vosotros/vosotras usáis | you use |
ellos/ellas usan | They use |
Pasar to pass Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo paso | I pass |
tú pasas | you pass |
él/ella pasa | he/she passes |
nosotros/nosotras pasamos | we pass |
vosotros/vosotras pasáis | you pass |
ellos/ellas pasan | They pass |
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