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"Estar" + participle

Participles are combined with the verb "estar" to describe temporary states or conditions.

Gramática: "Estar" + participio

A1 Spanish Participle as adjective + "estar"

Level: A1

Module 6: La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Lesson 38: Servicios cotidianos (Everyday services)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. They can describe emotions, physical states, or momentary situations.
  2. They must agree in gender and number with the noun they describe.
Terminación Verbo Ejemplos
-aralquilarLa peluquería alquilada es muy moderna. (The rented hairdresser's is very modern.)
-ervenderEl coche vendido pasa por la comisaría (The sold car passes by the police station)
-irvivirLas experiencias vividas en la escuela son interesantes. (The experienced events at school are interesting.)
-arestar + usarLa oficina de correos está usada por otra empresa. (The post office is used by another company.)
-erestar + venderEl hospital está vendido a una empresa grande. (The hospital is sold to a big company.)
-irestar + vivirLas historias están vividas por los estudiantes en la universidad. (The stories are lived by the students at the university.)



Exercise 1: "Estar" + participio

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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preparadas, preparado, cerradas, abierta, vendido, organizada, cerrada, alquilada

1. Cerrar:
Las escuelas están ....
(The schools are closed.)
2. Organizar:
La oficina de correos es ....
(The post office is organized.)
3. Vender:
El coche ... pasa por la gasolinera.
(The sold car goes past the petrol station.)
4. Preparar:
El hospital está ... para emergencias.
(The hospital is prepared for emergencies.)
5. Preparar:
Las bibliotecas están ... para el nuevo semestre.
(The libraries are ready for the new semester.)
6. Alquilar:
La oficina es ....
(The office is rented.)
7. Abrir:
La farmacia está ... hoy.
(The chemist's is open today.)
8. Cerrar:
La gasolinera está ... por la noche.
(The petrol station is closed at night.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.











