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Spanish A1.39: Ordering food and dining out

Pedir comida y comer fuera

Vocabulary (10)

 El bar: The pub (Spanish)

He tomado una bebida en el bar.


I have had a drink in the pub. Show

El bar


The pub Show

 El restaurante: The restaurant (Spanish)

He tomado una bebida en el restaurante.


I have had a drink in the restaurant. Show

El restaurante


The restaurant Show

 El postre: The dessert (Spanish)

He pedido el postre en el restaurante.


I have ordered the dessert in the restaurant. Show

El postre


The dessert Show

 El plato: The plate (Spanish)

El camarero ha traído el plato a la mesa.


The waiter has brought the plate to the table. Show

El plato


The plate Show

 El menú: The menu (Spanish)

He visto el menú en la cafetería.


I have seen the menu in the café. Show

El menú


The menu Show

 La cafetería: The café (Spanish)

He probado un café en la cafetería, ¡está delicioso!


I tried a coffee at the café, it's delicious! Show

La cafetería


The café Show

 La pizzería: The pizzeria (Spanish)

He reservado una mesa en la pizzería.


I have reserved a table at the pizzeria. Show

La pizzería


The pizzeria Show

 Tomar (to take) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nosotros tomamos un descanso en la biblioteca.


We take a break in the library. Show



To take Show

 La bebida: The drink (Spanish)

He pedido la bebida en la cafetería.


I have ordered the drink in the café. Show

La bebida


The drink Show

 El camarero: The waiter (Spanish)

El camarero ha tomado la bebida.


The waiter has taken the drink. Show

El camarero


The waiter Show

Listening & reading materials

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Conversation exercise

  1. Nombra los objetos en ese restaurante y describe su posición. (Name the objects in that restaurant and describe their position.)
  2. Imagina que has salido hoy. ¿A dónde has ido y qué has pedido? (Imagine you have gone out today. Where have you gone and what have you ordered?)
  3. Pregunta a los demás adónde les gusta ir si salen a cenar. (Ask the others where they like to go if they dine out. )

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

El objeto número uno es el menú. El menú está sobre la mesa.

Object number one is the menu. The menu is lying on the table.

El camarero está al lado de la mesa.

The waiter is next to the table.

Mis amigos y yo hemos ido a un bar hoy y hemos pedido bebidas.

My friends and I have been to a bar today and ordered drinks.

He estado en un restaurante hoy y he pedido postre.

I have been to a restaurant today and I ordered dessert.

¿Dónde te gusta salir a cenar?

Where do you like to dine out?

Me gusta ir a las pizzerías.

I like to go to pizzerias.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
pizzería. | una mesa | en la | He reservado
He reservado una mesa en la pizzería.
(I have reserved a table at the pizzeria.)
la noche. | por varios | bares durante | Hemos pasado
Hemos pasado por varios bares durante la noche.
(We have been to several pubs during the night.)
también sirven | postres. | que las | He visto | la ciudad | pizzerías de
He visto que las pizzerías de la ciudad también sirven postres.
(I have seen that the pizzerias in the city also serve desserts.)
en el | bar. | He tomado | una bebida
He tomado una bebida en el bar.
(I have had a drink in the pub.)
oficina. | el tren | a la | Has tomado
Has tomado el tren a la oficina.
(You have taken the train to the office.)
de semana. | este fin | varios restaurantes | Hemos visitado
Hemos visitado varios restaurantes este fin de semana.
(We have visited several restaurants this weekend.)
restaurante. | han preparado | los platos | en el | Los camareros
Los camareros han preparado los platos en el restaurante.
(The waiters have prepared the dishes in the restaurant.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La pizzería

The pizzeria



To take


El bar

The pub


El plato

The plate


La bebida

The drink

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

ha estudiado, he vivido, han vivido, he trabajado, han comido, han estudiado, habéis vivido, habéis bebido

Ellas ... en la oficina.
(They have eaten in the office.)
Ellos ... en la villa por muchos años.
(They have lived in the village for many years.)
Yo ... en esta casa.
(I have lived in this house.)
Ellos ... los síntomas en el hospital.
(They have studied the symptoms at the hospital.)
Él ... en la escuela.
(He has studied in the school.)
Vosotros ... en un albergue en francia, ¿verdad?
(You have lived in a hostel in France, right?)
Vosotros ... leche en la panadería.
(You have drunk milk at the bakery.)
Yo ... en la oficina de correos.
(I have worked in the post office.)

Exercise 4: "Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

hemos tomado, he tomado, han comido, ha comido, habéis tomado, han bebido, hemos bebido, has tomado

1. Beber:
Ellos ... un zumo en la cafetería.
(They have drunk a juice in the café.)
2. Comer:
Ella ... un plato de pasta en el restaurante italiano.
(She has eaten a plate of pasta at the Italian restaurant.)
3. Beber:
Nosotras ... una bebida en el bar.
(We have drunk a drink in the pub.)
4. Tomar:
Nosotros ... una bebida fría en la cafetería.
(We have had a cold drink in the café.)
5. Tomar:
Tú ... tu plato favorito en el restaurante.
(You have taken your favourite dish in the restaurant.)
6. Tomar:
Vosotros ... el menú para leerlo.
(You have taken the menu to read it.)
7. Comer:
Ellas ... un postre después de la cena.
(They have eaten a dessert after dinner.)
8. Tomar:
Yo ... un postre pequeño.
(I have had a small dessert.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (10): Verbs: 1, Nouns: 9,
Context vocabulary: 11

Spanish English
Bebidas Drinks
Camarera Waitress
Camareros Waiters
Chef Chef
Cocina Kitchen
El bar The pub
El camarero The waiter
El menú The menu
El plato The plate
El postre The dessert
El restaurante The restaurant
Ha tomado Has had
La bebida The drink
La cafetería The café
La pizzería The pizzeria
Pizza Pizza
Platos Dishes
Tomado I have had
Tomar Have
Tomarlo Have it
Usado Used

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Vivir to live

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he vivido I have lived
tú has vivido You have lived
él/ella ha vivido he has lived
nosotros/nosotras hemos vivido We have lived
vosotros/vosotras habéis vivido You have lived
ellos/ellas han vivido They have lived

Exercises and examples phrases

Estudiar to study

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he estudiado I have studied
tú has estudiado You have studied
él/ella ha estudiado he has studied
nosotros/nosotras hemos estudiado we have studied
vosotros/vosotras habéis estudiado You have studied
ellos/ellas han estudiado They have studied

Exercises and examples phrases

Trabajar to work

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he trabajado I have worked
tú has trabajado You have worked
él/ella ha trabajado he has worked
nosotros/nosotras hemos trabajado We have worked
vosotros/vosotras habéis trabajado you all have worked
ellos/ellas han trabajado They have worked

Exercises and examples phrases

Beber to drink

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he bebido I have drunk
tú has bebido You have drunk
él/ella ha bebido he has drunk
nosotros/nosotras hemos bebido We have drunk
vosotros/vosotras habéis bebido You have drunk
ellos/ellas han bebido They have drunk

Exercises and examples phrases

Comer to eat

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he comido I have eaten
tú has comido You have eaten
él/ella ha comido He has eaten
nosotros/nosotras hemos comido We have eaten
vosotros/vosotras habéis comido you have eaten
ellos/ellas han comido They have eaten

Exercises and examples phrases

Hablar to speak

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he hablado I have spoken
tú has hablado You have spoken
él/ella ha hablado He/she has spoken
nosotros/nosotras hemos hablado we have spoken
vosotros/vosotras habéis hablado You have spoken
ellos/ellas han hablado They have spoken

Exercises and examples phrases

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