10K+ students - 4.8/5

Learn with a teacher Learning materials included Practise conversation

Spanish A1.38.2 The National Library of Spain

The National Library of Spain in Madrid keeps books and historical documents.

Cultura: La Biblioteca Nacional de España

La Biblioteca Nacional de España en Madrid guarda libros y documentos históricos.

Spanish A1.38.2 The National Library of Spain

A1 Spanish Architecture Spain

Level: A1

Module 6: La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Lesson 38: Servicios cotidianos (Everyday services)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Reading and listening exercise

La Biblioteca Nacional de España está en Madrid. Es una de las bibliotecas más grandes de España. Tiene millones de libros y documentos antiguos. Tiene más de trescientos años. La biblioteca está abierta para todos. Muchos estudiantes de la universidad están aquí todos los días. Usan la biblioteca para estudiar. Otras personas pasan por la biblioteca para leer.


The National Library of Spain is in Madrid. It is one of the libraries that is the largest in Spain. It has millions of books and ancient documents. It is more than three hundred years old. The library is open to everyone. Many university students are here every day. They use the library to study. Other people pass by the library to read.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Dónde está la Biblioteca Nacional de España?
  2. Where is the National Library of Spain?
  3. ¿Para qué usan la biblioteca los estudiantes de la universidad?
  4. What do university students use the library for?
  5. ¿Está abierta la biblioteca para todas las personas?
  6. Is the library open for everybody?
  7. ¿También vas a la biblioteca para estudiar?
  8. Are you also going to the library to study?
  9. ¿Hay alguna biblioteca famosa en tu país?
  10. Is there a famous library in your country?

Useful websites to study with your teacher

Discuss and read the following resources during your conversation classes.

  1. https://www.bne.es/es