Vocabulary (13) Share Copied!
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A1.17.4 Gramática
Obligaciones - "hay que, tener que, deber"
Obligations - "hay que, tener que, deber"
Conversation exercise Share Copied!
- Explica cada paso para hacer tortitas. (Explain each step of baking pancakes. )
Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes
Example phrases:
Es necesario cocinar la mezcla. It is necessary to cook the mixture. |
Entonces debemos comer. Then we must eat. |
Es necesario cocinar la mantequilla. It is necessary to cook the butter. |
Debemos añadir la harina y el azúcar. We must add the flour and the sugar. |
Tienes que añadir el aceite y la mantequilla a la mezcla. You have to add the oil and the butter to the mixture. |
Tienes que mezclar los huevos, la leche y la sal. You have to mix the eggs, the milk and the salt. |
... |
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Reorder sentences
Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
La nata
The cream
El tomate
The tomato
El ajo
The garlic
To mix
La mantequilla
The butter
Exercise 3: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
cocino, cocinas, cocina, cocinamos, cocináis, cocinan
Exercise 4: Obligaciones - "hay que, tener que, deber"
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
Tengo que, Debemos, Debes, Tienes que, Hay que
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 2,
Adjectives: 1,
Nouns: 10,
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Casera | Homemade |
Casero | Homemade |
Cocinar | Cook |
El aceite | The oil |
El ajo | The garlic |
El azúcar | The sugar |
El tomate | The tomato |
Gazpacho | Gazpacho |
La cebolla | The onion |
La harina | The flour |
La mantequilla | The butter |
La nata | The cream |
La receta | The recipe |
Los ingredientes | The ingredients |
Mezclar | To mix |
Pulpo | Octopus |
Tapas | Tapas |
Tomates | Tomatoes |
Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson Share Copied!
Cocinar to cook Share Copied!
Spanish | English |
yo cocino | I cook |
tú cocinas | You cook |
él/ella cocina | he cooks |
nosotros/nosotras cocinamos | we cook |
vosotros/vosotras cocináis | you cook |
ellos/ellas cocinan | They cook |
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