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Vocabulary (7)

Salir con amigos


Going out with friends Show

Tomar un café


Have a cup of coffee Show

Jugar al parchís


To play parcheesi Show

Jugar a las cartas


Playing cards Show

Juegos de mesa


Board games Show

Hacer una fiesta


To throw a party Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


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A2.18.2 Gramática

Los diminutivos: sufijos (-ito, -illo, -ico, -iño...)

The diminutives: suffixes (-ito, -illo, -ico, -iño...)


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


Juegos de mesa

Board games


Hacer una fiesta

To throw a party


El ajedrez



Jugar a las cartas

Playing cards


Salir con amigos

Going out with friends

Exercise 3: Los diminutivos: sufijos (-ito, -illo, -ico, -iño...)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

momentico, ratico, cafecito, prontiño, mesilla, besito, perrito, casiña

1. Perro; ito:
¡Este ... es tan bonito!
(This puppy is so cute!)
2. Mesa; illa:
Compramos una ... para el salón, es muy práctico.
(We bought a little table for the living room, it is very practical.)
3. Momento; ico:
Hoy he pasado ... en el parque para relajarme.
(Today I spent a little moment in the park to relax.)
4. Café; ito:
El ... está caliente, ten cuidado al beberlo.
(The little coffee is hot, be careful when drinking it.)
5. Beso; ito:
Mi abuela siempre me da un ... antes de dormir.
(My grandma always gives me a little kiss before sleeping.)
6. Casa; iña:
Esta ... es muy pequeña, pero me gusta mucho.
(This little house is very small, but I like it a lot.)
7. Rato; ico:
Mi mejor amigo y yo chateamos un ... ayer.
(My best friend and I had a little chat yesterday.)
8. Pronto; iño:
Llegamos ... a la estación de trenes.
(We arrived very soon at the train station.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (7): Nouns: 1, Sentences / word combination: 6
Context vocabulary: 5

Spanish English
Canciones Songs
Colina Hill
Desayunillo Little breakfast
El ajedrez Chess
Hacer una fiesta To throw a party
Juegos de mesa Board games
Jugar a las cartas Playing cards
Jugar al parchís To play Parcheesi
Región Region
Salir con amigos Going out with friends
Similares Similar
Tomar un café Have a cup of coffee

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