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Spanish grammar: A1 beginner (exercises and audio lessons)

Spanish A1 grammar exercises and audio training optimized for usage during conversation lessons or self study.

    6 learning modules per level Practical situations Audio, video and exercises

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Learning material Audio Actions
A1.1.4: Los pronombres personales Personal pronouns
Type: Pronouns
Chapter: Saludos y despedidas (Greetings and Farewells)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.2.4: El alfabeto The alphabet
Type: Nouns
Chapter: Decir tu nombre (Telling your name)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.2.5: La pronunciación The pronunciation
Type: Alphabet
Chapter: Decir tu nombre (Telling your name)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.3.4: Los artículos en español The articles in Spanish
Type: Articles
Chapter: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.3.5: El género de los sustantivos The Gender of Nouns
Type: Nouns
Chapter: ¿De dónde eres? (Where are you from?)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.4.3: Números cardinales: básicos Cardinal numbers: basics
Type: Nouns
Chapter: Números y contar (Numbers and counting)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.4.4: Números cardinales: centenas, miles, millones Cardinal numbers: hundreds, thousands, millions
Type: Numbers
Chapter: Números y contar (Numbers and counting)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.4.5: Números cardinales: decenas Cardinal numbers: tens
Type: Numbers
Chapter: Números y contar (Numbers and counting)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.5.4: Los adjetivos posesivos Possessive adjectives
Type: Pronouns
Chapter: Familia (Family)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.6.4: Palabras interrogativas: "cuánto" y "cuándo" Interrogative words: "cuánto" and "cuándo"
Type: Questions
Chapter: Decir tu edad (Saying your age)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.7.4: Palabras interrogativas: "dónde, cuál, qué" Interrogative words: "dónde, cuál, qué"
Type: Questions
Chapter: Profesiones y estudios (Professions and studies)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.7.5: Los sustantivos y su género Nouns and their gender
Type: Nouns
Chapter: Profesiones y estudios (Professions and studies)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.8.3: Presente de indicativo: los verbos regulares Present indicative: regular verbs
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Dirección y datos de contacto. (Address and contact details.)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.8.4: El condicional cero The zero conditional
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Dirección y datos de contacto. (Address and contact details.)
Module 1 (A1): Presentarse (To introduce oneself)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.9.4: Preposiciones: indicar momentos del día Prepositions: indicating times of the day
Type: Prepositions
Chapter: Días de la semana y partes del día. (Days of the week and parts of the day)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.10.4: Adjetivos derivados de un sustantivo: "-ado/a, -oso/a, ..." Adjectives derived from a noun: "-ado/a, -oso/a, ..."
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: El clima y el tiempo (The weather)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.11.3: Los números ordinales Ordinal numbers
Type: Nouns
Chapter: Números ordinales (Ordinal numbers)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.12.4: "Ir + a" + infinitivo "Ir + a" + infinitivo
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Estaciones, meses y partes del año. (Seasons, months and parts of the year)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.13.4: ¿Cómo decir la hora? How to tell the time?
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Decir la hora y leer el reloj. (Telling the time and reading the clock)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.14.4: ¿Cómo se forman las fechas? How are dates formed?
Type: Prepositions
Chapter: Fechas del calendario y días festivos. (Calendar dates and holidays)
Module 2 (A1): De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.15.4: Las conjunciones: "y, e, o, ..." The conjunctions: "y, e, o, ..."
Type: Conjunction
Chapter: Alimentación diaria (Daily food)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.16.4: Verbos y pronombres reflexivos Reflexive Verbs and Pronouns
Type: Pronouns
Chapter: Rutinas diarias (Daily routines)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.17.4: Obligaciones - "hay que, tener que, deber" Obligations - "hay que, tener que, deber"
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Cocinar (Cooking)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.18.2: Palabras interrogativas: "¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuál?, ..." Interrogative words: "¿Qué?, ¿Quién?, ¿Cuál?, ..."
Type: Questions
Chapter: Preguntar cosas (Asking things)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.19.3: Adverbios de cantidad: "Mucho, poco, bastante,..." Adverbs of quantity: "Mucho, poco, bastante,..."
Type: Adverbs
Chapter: Precios y dinero (Prices and money)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.20.4: Verbos con cambios de raíz: "e → i, e → ie, ..." Stem-changing verbs: "e → i, e → ie, ..."
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Hacer la compra (Grocery shopping)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.21.3: Los verbos modales: "deber, poder, querer,..." The modal verbs: "deber, poder, querer,"...
Type: Verbs
Chapter: En la tienda de ropa (At the clothing shop)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.22.3: El plural de los sustantivos The plural of nouns
Type: Nouns
Chapter: Partes del cuerpo (Body parts)
Module 3 (A1): Día a día (Day to day)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.23.3: La concordancia de los adjetivos The agreement of adjectives
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Apariencia física (Physical appearance)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.24.3: Expresar gustos y disgustos: (no) me gusta Expressing likes and dislikes: (no) me gusta
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Colores (Colours)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.25.3: Diferencia entre ser vs estar Difference between ser vs estar
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Emociones y sentimientos (Emotions and feelings)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.26.2: Los adjetivos comparativos: "Más + adjetivo + que," ... Comparative adjectives: "Más + adjetivo + que," ...
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Sentidos y percepción (Senses and perceiving)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.27.3: Los adjetivos demostrativos: "Este, ese, aquel" The demonstrative adjectives: "Este, ese, aquel"
Type: Pronouns
Chapter: Todo tipo de formas (Shapes and forms)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.28.3: Los superlativos relativos: "El más, la más, los menos, ..." Relative superlatives: "El más, la más, los menos, ..."
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Carácter y personalidad (Character and personality)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.29.4: El participio pasado como adjetivo: "-ado, -oso, ..." The past participle as an adjective: "-ado, -oso, ..."
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Estado físico y sensaciones. (Physical states and sensations)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.30.4: Adverbios de modo Adverbs of manner
Type: Adverbs
Chapter: En el medico (At the doctor)
Module 4 (A1): Describir objetos y personas. (Describing objects and people)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.31.4: Haber (Hay) + artículo indeterminado Haber (Hay) + indefinite article
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Nuestra casa (Our house)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.32.4: "Haber" vs "Estar" : artículo indeterminado vs determinado "Haber" vs "Estar": indefinite article vs definite article
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Muebles (Furniture)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.33.4: Preposiciones de lugar: "en, sobre, entre,..." Prepositions of place: "en, sobre, entre,..."
Type: Prepositions
Chapter: Vajilla (Tableware)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.34.4: Los verbos irregulares: "Yo hago, yo pongo, yo doy, ..." Irregular verbs: "Yo hago, yo pongo, yo doy, ..."
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Electrodomésticos (Household appliances)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.35.4: Conectores: "entonces, porque, también, tampoco" Connectors: "entonces, porque, también, tampoco"
Type: Conjunction
Chapter: Vivienda y alojamiento (Housing and accommodation)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.36.3: Estar + gerundio Estar + gerundio
Type: Verbs
Chapter: En el jardín (In the garden)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.37.3: Uno vs. otro Uno vs. otro
Type: Pronouns
Chapter: Tus mascotas (Your pets)
Module 5 (A1): En casa (At home)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.38.3: "Estar" + participio "Estar" + participle
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Servicios cotidianos (Everyday services)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.39.4: "Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto) "Haber" + participio (el pretérito perfecto)
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Pedir comida y salir a cenar (Ordering food and dining out)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.40.4: Adverbios de tiempo: "Siempre, cada, todos, nunca, etc"... Adverbs of time: "Siempre, cada, todos, nunca, etc"...
Type: Adverbs
Chapter: Deportes y ejercicio (Sports and exercise)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.41.3: Adverbios de tiempo: "Ahora, antes, después, luego, etc..." Adverbs of time: "Ahora, antes, después, luego, etc..."
Type: Adverbs
Chapter: Describir pasatiempos (Describing hobbies)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations

A1.42.4: Preposiciones de lugar: "ir + en, ir + a, por, hacia, etc..." Prepositions of place: "ir + en, ir + a, por, hacia, etc..."
Type: Prepositions
Chapter: Transporte (Transportation)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.43.3: Expresiones de lugar Place expressions
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Pedir y dar direcciones. (Asking for and giving directions)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.44.4: Describir preferencias: "Preferir, encantar, gustar" Describe preferences: "Preferir, encantar, gustar"
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Viernes por la noche (Friday night out)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A1.45.4: Voz pasiva con ser + participio Passive voice with ser + participle
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Música y arte (Music and art)
Module 6 (A1): La ciudad y el pueblo (The city and the village)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations