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Irregular verbs: "Yo hago, yo pongo, yo doy, ..."

Irregular verbs in the first person present tense in Spanish are those that change their usual form in "yo."

Gramática: Los verbos irregulares: "Yo hago, yo pongo, yo doy, ..."

A1 Spanish Irregular present tense

Level: A1

Module 5: En casa (At home)

Lesson 34: Electrodomésticos (Household appliances)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Infinitivo1ª persona singularEjemplo
HacerYo hagoYo hago la cena en el horno. (I make dinner in the oven.)
DarYo doyYo doy el microondas a mi hermana porque no lo necesito. (I give the microwave to my sister because I don't need it.)
PonerYo pongoYo pongo la lavadora antes de salir. (I put the washing machine on before leaving.)
TraerYo traigoYo traigo la aspiradora del salón a la cocina. (I bring the hoover from the living room to the kitchen.)
CalentarYo calientoYo caliento la comida en el microondas.  (I heat the food in the microwave.)
EncenderYo enciendoYo enciendo el radiador porque hace frío. (I turn on the radiator because it is cold.)

Exercise 1: Los verbos irregulares: "Yo hago, yo pongo, yo doy, ..."

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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hago, caliento, pongo, enciendo, traigo

Calentar: Yo ... el radiador porque tengo frío.
(To heat: I heat the radiator because I am cold.)
Encender: Yo ... la plancha para mi ropa.
(To turn on: I turn on the iron for my clothes.)
Calentar: Yo ... el horno antes de poner la comida.
(To heat: I heat the oven before putting the food in.)
Traer: Yo ... la comida del microondas a la mesa para cenar.
(To bring: I bring the food from the microwave to the table for dinner.)
Hacer: Yo ... un pastel porque tengo hambre.
(To do/make: I make a cake because I am hungry.)
Encender: Yo ... el microondas para calentar la comida.
(To switch on: I switch on the microwave to heat the food.)
Poner: Yo ... el ventilador en el salón para tener aire.
(Put: I put the fan in the living room to have air.)
Traer: Yo ... la lavadora nueva a la cocina.
(To bring: I bring the new washing machine to the kitchen.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



I bring



I turn on



I put



I heat