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How to tell the time?

Learn to tell the time at any time of the day.

Gramática: ¿Cómo decir la hora?

A1 Spanish Telling time

Level: A1

Module 2: De horas a estaciones (From hours to seasons)

Lesson 13: Decir la hora y leer el reloj. (Telling the time and reading the clock)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. "Es la" is used for one o'clock because it is in singular.
  2. "Son las" is used for all other hours because they are plural.
  3. To add minutes, use "y" after the hour up to the 30 minutes.
  4. To subtract minutes, use "menos" before the hour after 30 minutes.
  5. Use "en punto" to indicate that it is an exact hour, without additional minutes.
Formar la horaFórmulaEjemplo
En puntoEs la / Son las + Hora (+ en punto)Es la una. (It is one o'clock.)
Son las cinco en punto. (It is five o'clock.)
Añadir minutosHora + y + minutosSon las dos y diez. (It is ten past two.)
Son las cuatro y media. (It is half past four.)
Restar minutosHora + menos + minutosSon las seis menos veinte. (It is twenty to six.)
Es la una menos cuarto. (It is quarter to one.)
Momento del díaHora + de la mañanaEs la una de la mañana. (It is one in the morning.)
Hora + de la tardeSon las tres de la tarde. (It is three in the afternoon.)
Hora + de la nocheSon las once de la noche. (It's eleven at night.)


  1. Use "y media" to indicate exactly thirty minutes past the hour. For example: 5:30 PM.
  2. Use "cuarto" to indicate exactly fifteen minutes before or after the hour. For example: 09:45 AM or 15:15 PM.

Exercise 1: ¿Cómo decir la hora?

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

cuatro y cuarto, once y cinco, diez menos cuarto, la una, dos y cinco, cinco, ocho y media

1. 09:45 AM:
Son las ... de la mañana.
(It's a quarter to ten in the morning.)
2. 5:00 AM:
Son las ... de la mañana.
(It is five o'clock in the morning.)
3. 23:05 PM:
Son las ... de la noche.
(It is five past eleven at night.)
4. 2:05 AM:
Son las ... de la noche.
(It is five past two at night.)
5. 20:30 PM:
Son las ... de la noche.
(It is eight thirty in the evening.)
6. 13:00 PM:
Es ... en punto de la tarde.
(It is one o'clock in the afternoon.)
7. 16:15 PM:
Son las ... de la tarde.
(It is quarter past four in the afternoon.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.





ocho y media

half past eight


diez menos cuarto

quarter to ten


dos y cinco

two oh five