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Spanish B1 module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)

This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish B1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: B1

Learning goals:

  • Un conjunto de herramientas prácticas para situaciones de la vida adulta. (A practical toolkit for life situations as an adult.)
  • Oraciones subordinadas. (Subordinate clauses.)


Learning material Audio Actions
B1.30.3: Oraciones subordinadas sustantivas: de infinitivo y flexionadas Noun subordinate clauses: infinitive and conjugated
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Presupuesto personal (Personal budget)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.31.3: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad Adverbial subordinate clauses of: place, manner, cause, purpose
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Planes de jubilación (Retirement plans)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.32.3: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales consecutivas de indicativo y subjuntivo Consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Seguros (Insurances)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.33.3: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales temporales I Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses I
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Desempleo (Unemployment)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.34.3: Oraciones (subordinadas adverbiales) temporales II Temporal adverbial (subordinate) clauses II
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Relaciones y rupturas (Relationships and break-ups)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.35.3: Estructuras para expresar agradecimiento y disculpa Structures for expressing gratitude and apology
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Percepciones y acciones (Perceptions and actions)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

B1.36.3: Verbos "estar" y "ser" : usos avanzados Verbs "estar" and "ser": advanced uses
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Convertirse en padres (Becoming parents)
Level: B1

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

: Los adjetivos "ser" y "estar" The adjectives "ser" and "estar"
Type: Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Grandes cambios vitales (Big life changes)
Level: B1