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Adverbial subordinate clauses of: place, manner, cause, purpose

Explanation of adverbial subordinate clauses of place, manner, cause, and purpose.

Gramática: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad

B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs

Level: B1

Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)

Lesson 31: Planes de jubilación (Retirement plans)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. Subordinate clauses of place indicate the place where the action occurs. The most common links are: "donde", "en el lugar en que".
  2. Subordinate clauses of manner express the way or manner in which the main action is performed. The most common connectors are: "como", "de la forma en que".
  3. Causal subordinate clauses explain the cause or reason why the main action occurs. The most common connectors are: "porque", "ya que".
  4. Final subordinate clauses indicate the purpose or aim of the main action. The most common conjunctions are "para que", "a fin de que".
 Lugar Donde / en el lugar en queEl jubilado se mudó al lugar en que siempre soñaba jubilarse anticipadamente. (The retiree moved to the place where they always dreamed of taking early retirement.)
ModoComo / de la forma en queSe deben cotizar los pagos como lo indica la ley para garantizar una jubilación justa. (Payments must be quoted as indicated by the law to ensure a fair retirement.)
 CausaPorque / ya queLa empresa ofrece un plan de inversión especial porque quiere promover la jubilación anticipada. (The company offers a special investment plan because it wants to promote early retirement.)
 Finalidad Para que/ a fin de queLa empresa aumentará la inversión en formación a fin de que sus trabajadores tengan un futuro más estable. (The company will increase investment in training so that its employees have a more stable future.)

Exercise 1: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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donde, ya que, al lugar en que, como, a fin de que, de la forma en que

1. Modo:
El sueldo se pagará ... se haya acordado con los empleados para garantizar una relación estable.
(The salary will be paid in the manner agreed with the employees to ensure a stable relationship.)
2. Lugar:
El trabajador se mudó ... podrá jubilarse de forma anticipada.
(The worker moved to the place where he will be able to retire early.)
3. Final:
La empresa organiza cursos de educación financiera ... los empleados sepan cómo cotizar de forma adecuada para su jubilación.
(The company organizes financial education courses so that employees know how to contribute appropriately for their retirement.)
4. Lugar:
La empresa construirá su nueva oficina ... la inversión sea más rentable.
(The company will build its new office where the investment is most profitable.)
5. Modo:
Los nuevos procedimientos se implementarán ... el director los establezca para mantener la empresa estable.
(The new procedures will be implemented in the way the director establishes to keep the company stable.)
6. Causal:
Los trabajadores no aceptaron la propuesta ... no incluía la opción de jubilarse de forma anticipada.
(The workers did not accept the proposal as it did not include the option to retire early.)
7. Lugar:
El equipo se reunirá ... se celebró la última conferencia.
(The team will meet where the last conference was held.)
8. Modo:
Se deben cotizar los pagos ... lo establece la ley para asegurar una jubilación justa.
(Payments must be quoted as stipulated by law to ensure a fair retirement.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


para que

so that








de la forma en que

in the manner in which