Adverbial subordinate clauses of: place, manner, cause, purpose Share Copied!
Explanation of adverbial subordinate clauses of place, manner, cause, and purpose.
Gramática: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad
B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs
Level: B1
Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)
Lesson 31: Planes de jubilación (Retirement plans)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- Subordinate clauses of place indicate the place where the action occurs. The most common links are: "donde", "en el lugar en que".
- Subordinate clauses of manner express the way or manner in which the main action is performed. The most common connectors are: "como", "de la forma en que".
- Causal subordinate clauses explain the cause or reason why the main action occurs. The most common connectors are: "porque", "ya que".
- Final subordinate clauses indicate the purpose or aim of the main action. The most common conjunctions are "para que", "a fin de que".
Uso | Expresión | Ejemplo |
Lugar | Donde / en el lugar en que | El jubilado se mudó al lugar en que siempre soñaba jubilarse anticipadamente. (The retiree moved to the place where they always dreamed of taking early retirement.) |
Modo | Como / de la forma en que | Se deben cotizar los pagos como lo indica la ley para garantizar una jubilación justa. (Payments must be quoted as indicated by the law to ensure a fair retirement.) |
Causa | Porque / ya que | La empresa ofrece un plan de inversión especial porque quiere promover la jubilación anticipada. (The company offers a special investment plan because it wants to promote early retirement.) |
Finalidad | Para que/ a fin de que | La empresa aumentará la inversión en formación a fin de que sus trabajadores tengan un futuro más estable. (The company will increase investment in training so that its employees have a more stable future.) |
Exercise 1: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
donde, ya que, al lugar en que, como, a fin de que, de la forma en que
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
para que
so that
de la forma en que
in the manner in which