Vocabulary (7) Share Copied!
Listening & reading materials
Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.
B1.31.1 Diálogo
¡Adiós jefe, hola libertad! Planes para la jubilación
Goodbye boss, hello freedom! Retirement plans
B1.31.2 Cultura
El paraíso de la jubilación: extranjeros en la costa española
The retirement paradise: foreigners on the Spanish coast
It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!
B1.31.3 Gramática
Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad
Adverbial subordinate clauses of: place, manner, cause, purpose
Exercises Share Copied!
These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.
Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
La inversión
The investment
To quote
To retire
Exercise 2: Oracones subordinadas adverbiales de: lugar, modo, causa, finalidad
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
donde, ya que, al lugar en que, como, a fin de que, de la forma en que
Additional learning materials Share Copied!
Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table Share Copied!
Core vocabulary (7): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 2, Nouns: 3,
Spanish | English |
Anticipado | Early |
Cotizar | To quote |
El sueldo | The salary |
Estable | Stable |
Jubilarse | To retire |
La inversión | The investment |
La jubilación | Retirement |
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