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Consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive

Brief explanation of consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive and discourse connectors.

Gramática: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales consecutivas de indicativo y subjuntivo

B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs indicative and subjunctive

Level: B1

Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)

Lesson 32: Seguros (Insurances)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. We use the indicative when the consequence is objective and evident. Common connectors are "por eso", "por lo tanto".
  2. We use the subjunctive when we want to show an expected or desired consequence. Common connectors are "para que", "a fin de que"
IndicativoPor esoEl accidente es grave por eso llamamos al servicio técnico. (The accident is serious therefore we called the tech support.)
Por lo tantoEl técnico no llegó a tiempo por lo tanto la emergencia sigue sin resolverse. (The technician did not arrive on time therefore the emergency remains unresolved.)
SubjuntivoPara queHay que arreglar el daño para que el sistema funcione automáticamente. (It is necessary to fix the damage so that the system works automatically.)
A fin de queLa empresa decide renovar el contrato a fin de que el servicio técnico arregle los sistemas dañados. (The company decides to renew the contract so that the technical service repairs the damaged systems.)

Exercise 1: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales consecutivas de indicativo y subjuntivo

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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por lo tanto, por eso, para que

El técnico llegó tarde ... el daño sigue sin arreglarse.
(The technician arrived late, that's why the damage is still unrepaired.)
El sistema automático está estropeado ... no funciona correctamente.
(The automatic system is broken, therefore it does not work properly.)
El daño en la máquina es grave ... cancelamos la entrega.
(The damage to the machine is severe, so we cancelled the delivery.)
El accidente afectó al sistema automático ... el servicio técnico debe intervenir.
(The accident affected the automatic system, therefore the technical service must intervene.)
El técnico está ocupado ... no puede arreglar el sistema estropeado hoy.
(The technician is busy, so he cannot fix the broken system today.)
El accidente fue menor ... la emergencia no requiere atención inmediata.
(The accident was minor; therefore, the emergency does not require immediate attention.)
El servicio técnico renueva el contrato ... los problemas no se repitan.
(The technical service renews the contract so that the problems do not recur.)
El cliente quiere renovar el seguro ... cubra cualquier emergencia futura.
(The client wants to renew the insurance to cover any future emergencies.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


por eso



para que

so that


por lo tanto



a fin de que

so that