Consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive Share Copied!
Brief explanation of consecutive adverbial subordinate clauses of indicative and subjunctive and discourse connectors.
Gramática: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales consecutivas de indicativo y subjuntivo
B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs indicative and subjunctive
Level: B1
Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)
Lesson 32: Seguros (Insurances)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- We use the indicative when the consequence is objective and evident. Common connectors are "por eso", "por lo tanto".
- We use the subjunctive when we want to show an expected or desired consequence. Common connectors are "para que", "a fin de que"
Modo | Conectores | Ejemplo |
Indicativo | Por eso | El accidente es grave por eso llamamos al servicio técnico. (The accident is serious therefore we called the tech support.) |
Por lo tanto | El técnico no llegó a tiempo por lo tanto la emergencia sigue sin resolverse. (The technician did not arrive on time therefore the emergency remains unresolved.) | |
Subjuntivo | Para que | Hay que arreglar el daño para que el sistema funcione automáticamente. (It is necessary to fix the damage so that the system works automatically.) |
A fin de que | La empresa decide renovar el contrato a fin de que el servicio técnico arregle los sistemas dañados. (The company decides to renew the contract so that the technical service repairs the damaged systems.) |
Exercise 1: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales consecutivas de indicativo y subjuntivo
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
por lo tanto, por eso, para que
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
por eso
para que
so that
por lo tanto
a fin de que
so that