Temporal adverbial (subordinate) clauses II Share Copied!
Brief and clear explanation about subordinate temporal clauses of simultaneity and delimitation.
Gramática: Oraciones (subordinadas adverbiales) temporales II
B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs temporary simultaneous and delimitation
Level: B1
Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)
Lesson 34: Relaciones y rupturas (Relationships and break-ups)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- We use temporal subordinate clauses of simultaneity to express two or more actions that occur at the same time, in the present or in the past.
- We use temporal subordinate clauses of delimitation to mark the moment when an action ends or changes, especially in the future.
Tipo | Expresión | Ejemplo |
| Al + infinitivo | Al enamorarse Pedro y Ana decidieron convivir juntos. (Upon falling in love Pedro and Ana decided to live together.) |
Cuando + indicativo | Cuando estaban solteros solían ligar mucho en las fiestas. (When they were single, they used to chat up a lot at parties.) | |
Mientras + indicativo | Mientras pedía perdón su expareja lloraba por la ruptura. (While asking for forgiveness, his ex-partner was crying over the breakup.) | |
Delimitación | Hasta que + subjuntivo | No se besarán hasta que estén enamorados de verdad. (They will not kiss until they are truly in love.) |
Exercise 1: Oraciones (subordinadas adverbiales) temporales II
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
convivían, se besaban, decidir, pedir, terminó, estaban, querrán, superen
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
he finished
asking for
they were
they overcome