Temporal adverbial subordinate clauses I Share Copied!
Brief explanation of temporal adverbial subordinate clauses I, of precedence and posteriority.
Gramática: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales temporales I
B1 Spanish Subordinate clauses adverbs temporary before and after
Level: B1
Module 5: Vida adulta (Adult life)
Lesson 33: Desempleo (Unemployment)
Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes
Audio and video
- We talk about anteriority when the main action occurs before the subordinate one. We use the preposition "antes de" with the infinitive and "antes de que" with the subjunctive.
- We talk about posteriority when the subordinate action occurs before the main one. We use the preposition "después de" with the infinitive and the preposition "después de que" with the subjunctive.
Tipo | Expresiones | Ejemplo |
Anterioridad | Antes de (infinitivo) | Antes de perder el empleo es importante actualizar la formación. (Before losing your job, it is important to update your training.) |
Antes de que (subjuntivo) | El entrevistador quiere conocer la disponibilidad del entrevistado antes de que se confirme su incorporación inmediata. (The interviewer wants to know the interviewee's availability before it is confirmed for immediate start.) | |
Posterioridad | Después de (infinitivo) | Después de cobrar el último sueldo muchas personas empiezan la búsqueda de trabajo. (After receiving the last salary, many people start job hunting.) |
Después de que (subjuntivo) | La empresa evaluará la crisis económica después de que finalicen las entrevistas. (The company will assess the economic crisis after the interviews are concluded.) |
Exercise 1: Oraciones subordinadas adverbiales temporales I
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
llegue, comience, terminar, aceptar, recibir, decida, cobrar, perder
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.