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Spanish B1.2: Writing e-mails and letters

Redacción de correos electrónicos y cartas

Vocabulary (8)

 El asunto: The subject (Spanish)

Espero que el asunto del email sea claro y breve.


I hope the email subject is clear and brief. Show

El asunto


The subject Show

 El saludo: The Greeting (Spanish)

Apreciado destinatario, espero redacte un saludo formal en la carta.


Dear recipient, I hope you draft a formal salutation in the letter. Show

El saludo


The greeting Show

 Breve: Brief (Spanish)

Es importante que el email sea breve y claro.


It is important that the email be concise and clear. Show



Brief Show

 Formal: Formal (Spanish)

Es importante que el email sea formal y claro.


It is important that the email is formal and clear. Show



Formal Show

 A mano: By hand (Spanish)

Prefiero que redactes la carta a mano para mayor claridad.


I prefer that you write the letter by hand for greater clarity. Show

A mano


By hand Show

 Redactar (to draft) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Nosotros redactamos juntos el proyecto.


We drafted the project together. Show



To draft Show

 Expresar (to express) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo expreso claridad en el mensaje.


I express clarity in the message. Show



To express Show

Listening & reading materials

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These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


El asunto

The subject



To express





A mano

By hand



To draft

Exercise 2: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

vivas, comamos, comáis, coma, coman, comas, viva

Espero que tú ... para dejar un recado.
(I hope that you live to leave a message.)
Espero que yo ... en cuanto descolguéis el teléfono.
(I hope to eat as soon as you hang up the phone.)
Es posible que él ... para descolgar la llamada.
(It is possible that he may live to pick up the call.)
Espero que vosotros ... antes de colgar.
(I hope that you eat before hanging up.)
Quieren que nosotros ... después del tono de llamada.
(Loading translation...)
Es necesario que tú ... antes de dejar el mensaje.
(Loading translation...)
Quiero que yo ... en claridad.
(I want me to live in clarity.)
Desea que ellas ... antes de escuchar la señal.
(He wishes that they eat before hearing the signal.)

Exercise 3: Presente de subjuntivo: sensaciones y sentimientos

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

redactes, escribas, esté, incluya, responda, escriba, incluyas, exprese

1. Escribir (tú):
Me gusta que ... la carta con un saludo breve y formal.
(I like you to write the letter with a brief and formal greeting.)
2. Responder (él/ella/usted):
Me encanta que el destinatario ... rápidamente al email.
(I love that the recipient replies quickly to the email.)
3. Estar (él/ella/usted):
Me molesta que el asunto del email no ... claro.
(It bothers me that the subject of the email is not clear.)
4. Redactar (tú):
Me fastidia que no ... bien.
(It bothers me that you don’t write properly.)
5. Incluir (tú):
Me alegra que ... un sello tan original.
(I'm glad that you include such an original stamp.)
6. Escribir (él/ella/usted):
Me encanta que ... las cartas a mano.
(I love that he/she writes the letters by hand.)
7. Expresar (él/ella/usted):
Odio que el jefe no ... el asunto de forma clara.
(I hate that the boss does not express the issue clearly.)
8. Incluir (él/ella/usted):
Me molesta que el email no ... una despedida formal.
(It bothers me that the email does not include a formal closing.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (8): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 3, Adverbs: 1, Nouns: 2,

Spanish English
A mano By hand
Breve Brief
El asunto The subject
El saludo The Greeting
Estimado Dear
Expresar To express
Formal Formal
Redactar To draft

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Vivir to live

Subjuntivo presente

Spanish English
yo viva I live
tú vivas you live
él/ella viva He lives
nosotros/nosotras vivamos we live
vosotros/vosotras viváis you live
ellos/ellas vivan they live

Exercises and examples phrases

Comer to eat

Subjuntivo presente

Spanish English
yo coma I eat
tú comas you eat
él/ella coma he eat
nosotros/nosotras comamos we eat
vosotros/vosotras comáis you eat
ellos/ellas coman They eat

Exercises and examples phrases

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