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Present subjunctive: sensations and feelings

Brief explanation of the use of the present subjunctive to express sensations and feelings.

Gramática: Presente de subjuntivo: sensaciones y sentimientos

B1 Spanish Subjunctive present tense

Level: B1

Module 1: Charlas y conversaciones (Chit chat and conversations)

Lesson 2: Escribir correos electrónicos y cartas (Writing e-mails and letters)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. We use the present subjunctive to express sensations and feelings.
  2. The most common expressions are: "me gusta/encanta que, me alegra que, me molesta/fastidia que, odio que."
Me encanta queMe encanta que la carta escrita a mano incluya un sello original. (I love that the handwritten letter includes an original stamp.)
Me alegra queMe alegra que escribas un saludo breve y formal en el email. (I'm glad you write a brief and formal greeting in the email.)
Me molesta queMe molesta que el destinatario no lea el asunto del email antes de responder. (It bothers me that the recipient does not read the subject of the email before replying.)
Odio queOdio que él redacte mal la carta. (I hate that he writes the letter badly.)


  1. If the expression of feeling has the same subject in both parts of the sentence, the infinitive is used instead of the subjunctive. Example: "Me gusta escribir cartas a mano."
  2. If the action is habitual, we use the indicative instead of the subjunctive. Example: "Me gusta que siempre envías el email con un asunto claro."

Exercise 1: Presente de subjuntivo: sensaciones y sentimientos

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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redactes, escribas, esté, incluya, responda, escriba, incluyas, exprese

1. Escribir (tú):
Me gusta que ... la carta con un saludo breve y formal.
(I like you to write the letter with a brief and formal greeting.)
2. Responder (él/ella/usted):
Me encanta que el destinatario ... rápidamente al email.
(I love that the recipient replies quickly to the email.)
3. Estar (él/ella/usted):
Me molesta que el asunto del email no ... claro.
(It bothers me that the subject of the email is not clear.)
4. Redactar (tú):
Me fastidia que no ... bien.
(It bothers me that you don’t write properly.)
5. Incluir (tú):
Me alegra que ... un sello tan original.
(I'm glad that you include such an original stamp.)
6. Escribir (él/ella/usted):
Me encanta que ... las cartas a mano.
(I love that he/she writes the letters by hand.)
7. Expresar (él/ella/usted):
Odio que el jefe no ... el asunto de forma clara.
(I hate that the boss does not express the issue clearly.)
8. Incluir (él/ella/usted):
Me molesta que el email no ... una despedida formal.
(It bothers me that the email does not include a formal closing.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



you include



she writes



you write



you write