Spanish A2 module 6: En el trabajo (At work)
This is learning module 6 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Vocabulario básico en el trabajo y en la oficina. (Basic vocabulary at work and in the office.)
- Encontrar y conseguir un empleo. (Finding and getting a job.)
- Imperativos negativos e irregulares. (Negative and irregular imperatives.)
Learning material | Audio | Actions |
Expresar lo positivo y lo negativo (bien/bueno, mal, malo,...)
Expressing the positive and the negative (bien/bueno, mal, malo,...)
Chapter: De la oficina de correos al correo electrónico (From post office to email) Level: A2 |
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A2.39.4: Los pronombres de objeto directo Direct object pronouns |
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A2.40.4: Los pronombres de objeto indirecto The indirect object pronouns |
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A2.41.3: El imperativo + objeto indirecto The imperative + indirect object |
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¿Cómo expresar opiniones?
How to express opinions?
Sentences / word combination
Chapter: Opiniones y negociaciones (Opinions and negotiations) Level: A2 |
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A2.42.4: Expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo Expressing agreement and disagreement |
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A2.45.4: La diferencia entre "mucho" y "muy" The difference between "mucho" and "muy" |
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A2.44.4: Combinando objetos directo e indirecto Combining direct and indirect objects |
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