Spanish A2 module 6: En el trabajo (At work)
This is learning module 6 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Vocabulario básico en el trabajo y en la oficina. (Basic vocabulary at work and in the office.)
- Encontrar y conseguir un empleo. (Finding and getting a job.)
- Imperativos negativos e irregulares. (Negative and irregular imperatives.)
Word list (161)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 22,
Adjectives: 17,
Adverbs: 1,
Interjection: 1,
Nouns: 49,
Sentences / word combination: 12
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
Aceptan | Accept her |
Aceptar | To accept |
Aplicar | Apply |
Apoyar | Rely on each other |
Apoyarse | To support oneself |
Beneficios | Benefits |
Charlar | Chat |
Cometer un error | To make a mistake |
Cometido un error | Made a mistake |
Compañera | Mate |
Competiciones | Competitions |
Completado | Completed |
Completar | To complete |
Comunicado | Communicated |
Comunicarse | To communicate |
Conectarse | To connect |
Contestar | To answer |
Contratada | Hired |
Contratar | To hire |
Cooperar | Yes, we need to cooperate more. |
Correo electrónico | |
Creativo | Creative |
Cree | Believes |
Creer | To believe |
Creo | I believe |
Delegar | Delegating |
Desconectarme | Disconnect myself |
Desconectarse | Disconnecting |
Desempleada | Unemployed |
Digital | Digital |
Disponible | Available |
El PC | The PC |
El beneficio | The benefit |
El certificado | The certificate |
El cliente | The client |
El compañero | The teammate |
El compromiso | The commitment |
El contrato | The contract |
El currículum | The CV |
El despacho | The office |
El destinatario | The recipient |
El diploma | The diploma |
El email | The email |
El equipamiento | The equipment |
El jefe | The boss |
El líder | The leader |
El negocio | The business |
El ordenador portátil | The laptop |
El perfil | The profile |
El proyecto | The project |
El puesto de trabajo | The job position |
El requisito | The requirement |
El salario | The salary |
El sello | The stamp |
El teletrabajo | The teleworking |
El trabajador | The worker |
El trabajo en equipo | The teamwork |
El uniforme | The uniform |
Empleados | Employees |
Energía | Energy |
Enviar | To send |
Envía | Sends it |
Estar en desacuerdo | Disagreeing |
Experiencia | Experience |
Fallas | Fallas |
Falsas | False |
Falso | False |
Firmar | Sign |
Flexible | Flexible |
Flexibles | Flexible |
Ganar | To win |
Hablar con clientes | Speaking with clients |
Imprime | She prints |
Imprimimos | Shall we print |
Imprimir | To print |
Informa | Informs |
Informar | To inform |
Informarle | Inform him |
Invitan | They invite |
Invitar | Invite |
Ir a correos | To go to the post office |
Jerarquías | Hierarchies |
La agenda | The diary |
La carrera | The career |
La carta | The letter |
La carta de presentación | The cover letter |
La cita | The appointment |
La comunicación | The communication |
La conexión | The connection |
La contraoferta | The Counteroffer |
La despedida | The Farewell |
La empresa | The company |
La entrevista | The interview |
La firma | The signature |
La flexibilidad | The flexibility |
La impresora | The printer |
La multinacional | The multinational |
La negociación | The negotiation |
La notificación | The notification |
La oferta | The offer |
La plataforma | The platform |
La responsabilidad | The responsibility |
La reunión | The meeting |
La sala de reuniones | The meeting room |
La tarea | The task |
La vacante | The vacancy |
La videollamada | The video call |
Las herramientas | The tools, The tool |
Le | Him |
Les | Them |
Los recursos humanos | The human resources |
Mandar | To send |
Me | Was shown |
Memorizar | To memorise |
Multinacionales | Multinationals |
Negativa | Negative |
Negativo | Negative |
Negocian | They negotiate |
Negociar | Negotiate |
Nos | Us |
Notar | To notice |
Opina | Thinks |
Opinar | To opine |
Opino | I think |
Organizado | Organised |
Os | You |
Pendiente | Outstanding |
Positiva | Positive |
Positivo | Positive |
Presencial | In-person |
Presenciales | Face-to-face |
Puestos de trabajo | Jobs |
Puntual | Punctual |
Queman | Are burnt |
Realiza | Completes |
Realizado | Done |
Rechazamos | We rejected |
Rechazar | To reject |
Recibir una carta | To receive a letter |
Remoto | Remote |
Requisitos | Requirements |
Responder a un correo | To reply to an email |
Responsable | Responsible |
Reuniones | Meetings |
Salario | Salary |
Se apoyan | They support each other |
Seleccionada | Selected |
Seleccionado | Selected |
Sin duda | Without a doubt |
Sociales | Social interactions |
Solidaria | Supportive |
Solidario | Supportive |
Tareas | Tasks |
Te | You |
Tener experiencia en | To have experience in |
Tener una reunión | To have a meeting |
Torres | Towers |
Urgente | Urgent |
Valora | Values |
Verdadero | Genuine |
Videollamadas | Video calls |