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Vocabulary (14)

 Morir (to die) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Yo muero de risa cuando descubro un chiste bueno.


I die of laughter when I find a good joke. Show



To die Show

 Salir (to leave / to go out) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ella sale temprano para subir la montaña.


She leaves early to climb the mountain. Show



To leave / to go out Show

 La infancia: The childhood (Spanish)

Siempre echo de menos mi infancia porque era muy divertida.


I always miss my childhood because it was very fun. Show

La infancia


The childhood Show

 El juguete: The toy (Spanish)

Cuando era niño, mi juguete favorito era un coche de carreras.


When I was a child, my favourite toy was a racing car. Show

El juguete


The toy Show

 La memoria: The memory (Spanish)

Cuando era niño, tenía una memoria increíble para los nombres de mis juguetes.


When I was a child, I had an incredible memory for the names of my toys. Show

La memoria


The memory Show

 El recuerdo: The memory (Spanish)

El recuerdo de mi infancia es muy divertido.


The memory of my childhood is very amusing. Show

El recuerdo


The memory Show

 El bebé: The baby (Spanish)

El recuerdo del bebé jugando con su primer juguete es inolvidable.


The memory of the baby playing with their first toy is unforgettable. Show

El bebé


The baby Show

 El adolescente: The teenager (Spanish)

El adolescente echaba de menos su infancia cada vez que veía su juguete favorito.


The teenager missed his childhood every time he saw his favourite toy. Show

El adolescente


The teenager Show

 El adulto: The adult (Spanish)

Cuando era niño, pensaba que ser adulto era aburrido.


When I was a child, I thought being an adult was boring. Show

El adulto


The adult Show

 La nostalgia: The nostalgia (Spanish)

Siento nostalgia cada vez que vuelvo a mi antigua casa.


I feel nostalgic every time I return to my old house. Show

La nostalgia


The nostalgia Show

 Echar de menos: To miss (Spanish)

Cuando era niño, siempre echaba de menos a mi abuela cuando se iba de viajes.


When I was a child, I always missed my grandmother when she went on trips. Show

Echar de menos


To miss Show

 Divertido: Fun (Spanish)

El recuerdo de aquel día en el parque fue divertidísimo.


The memory of that day in the park was great fun. Show



Fun Show

La fotografía


The photograph Show

La cámara


The camera Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!

Conversation exercise

  1. ¿Cuál es tu recuerdo favorito de la infancia? (What is your favorite childhood memory?)
  2. ¿Cuál es tu recuerdo favorito de la adolescencia? (What is your favorite teenage memory?)
  3. Nombra algo que haya sucedido recientemente que vas a recordar durante mucho tiempo. (Name something that happened recently that you are going to remember for a long time.)

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Cuando era pequeño, mi madre siempre horneaba tarta de chocolate para mi cumpleaños.

When I was little my mother would always bake chocolate cake for my birthday.

Cuando era pequeño veía a mis abuelos todos los días.

When I was little I saw my grandparents everyday.

Cuando tenía 16 años jugaba al tenis y me encantaba.

When I was 16 years old I played tennis and I loved it.

Cuando era adolescente, podía comer muchísima comida.

As a teenager I could eat so much food.

Esta semana mi hija ha cumplido 18 años.

This week my daughter has turned 18.

Este año mi pareja y yo finalmente hemos comprado nuestra casa.

This year my partner and I have finally bought our house.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
siempre tenían | historias sorprendentes | los adultos | para contar. | Recuerdo cómo
Recuerdo cómo los adultos siempre tenían historias sorprendentes para contar.
(I remember how the adults always had amazing stories to tell.)
divertida y | sorpresas. | de cumpleaños | con muchas | La fiesta | siempre era
La fiesta de cumpleaños siempre era divertida y con muchas sorpresas.
(The birthday party was always fun and full of surprises.)
seguisteis adelante. | Vosotros moríais | de calor | desierto, pero | en el
Vosotros moríais de calor en el desierto, pero seguisteis adelante.
(You were dying of heat in the desert, but you carried on.)
iba de viajes. | siempre echaba de | abuela cuando se | Cuando era niño, | menos a mi
Cuando era niño, siempre echaba de menos a mi abuela cuando se iba de viajes.
(When I was a child, I always missed my grandmother when she went on trips.)
nosotros cuando éramos | Hace poco, vi | niños. | a la adulta | que cuidaba de
Hace poco, vi a la adulta que cuidaba de nosotros cuando éramos niños.
(Recently, I saw the adult who looked after us when we were children.)
el | en | participa | evento. | La | adolescente
La adolescente participa en el evento.
(The teenager participates in the event.)
infancia. | de la | se apreciaban | memorias increíbles | Las adolescentes | porque compartían
Las adolescentes se apreciaban porque compartían memorias increíbles de la infancia.
(The teenagers appreciated each other because they shared incredible childhood memories.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La fotografía

The photograph



To die


Echar de menos

To miss



To leave / to go out


La cámara

The camera

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

iba, veían, vivíamos, pedirían, diría, vivía, comían, diríais

Ellos ... mientras veían el vuelo despegar.
(They were eating while watching the flight take off.)
Ellos ... el campo mientras paseaban por la granja.
(They watched the countryside while strolling around the farm.)
Él ... que el evento tiene anuncios interesantes.
(He would say that the event has interesting announcements.)
Nosotros ... en la ciudad y viajábamos al campo los fines de semana.
(We used to live in the city and would travel to the countryside at the weekends.)
Ellos ... recomendaciones para viajar este año.
(They would ask for recommendations to travel this year.)
Yo ... a la playa cada verano.
(I used to go to the beach every summer.)
Yo ... cerca de la playa.
(I used to live near the beach.)
Vosotros ... que las excursiones guiadas son fascinantes.
(You lot would say that guided tours are fascinating.)

Exercise 4: El pretérito imperfecto de verbos regulares

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

veíais, ibas, escuchábamos, echaba de menos, era, os quedabais, cenábamos, salías

1. Echar de menos (Él):
Mi abuelo siempre ... su infancia.
(My grandfather always missed his childhood.)
2. Cenar (Nosotros):
Mis amigos y yo ... antes de que salíamos de fiesta.
(My friends and I were having dinner before we went to the party.)
3. Escuchar (Nosotros):
Cuando éramos adolescentes ... la música de los años 80.
(When we were teenagers, we used to listen to the music of the 80s.)
4. Ver (Vosotros):
Siempre os llevabais un susto cuando ... algo sorprendente.
(You always got a fright when you saw something surprising.)
5. Ir (Tú):
En nuestra infancia siempre ... a jugar conmigo en el parque.
(In our childhood, you always used to go and play with me in the park.)
6. Ser (Ella):
Cuando mi madre ... adolescente salía de fiesta con sus amigas.
(When my mother was a teenager, she used to go out partying with her friends.)
7. Salir (Tú):
Después de que ... siempre corrías al lado del río.
(After you went out you always used to run by the river.)
8. Quedarse (Vosotros):
Cuando nosotros salíamos a cenar vosotros ... en el hotel para jugar.
(When we went out for dinner, you stayed at the hotel to play.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (14): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 1, Interjection: 1, Nouns: 10,
Context vocabulary: 15

Spanish English
Actor Actor
Actriz Actress
Brillaba Was shining
Capturaba He captured
Director Director
Directora Film director
Divertida Fun
Divertido Fun
Echar de menos To miss
Echo de menos I miss
El adolescente The teenager
El adulto The adult
El bebé The baby
El juguete The toy
El recuerdo The memory
Escenas Scenes
Hacerse Become
La cámara The camera
La fotografía The photograph
La infancia The childhood
La memoria The memory
La nostalgia The nostalgia
Morir To die
Mueren Die
Pianista Pianist
Príncipe Prince
Querían ser Wanted to be
Salir To leave / to go out
Soñaba con Used to dream of

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Soñar to dream

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo soñaba I was dreaming
tú soñabas You used to dream
él/ella soñaba he dreamed
nosotros/nosotras soñábamos We used to dream
vosotros/vosotras soñabais You all dreamed
ellos/ellas soñaban They dreamed

Exercises and examples phrases

Ser to be

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo era I was
tú eras you were
él/ella era he was
nosotros/nosotras éramos we were
vosotros/vosotras erais you were
ellos/ellas eran they were

Exercises and examples phrases

Vivir to live

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo vivía I lived
tú vivías You lived
él/ella vivía he lived
nosotros/nosotras vivíamos We lived
vosotros/vosotras vivíais You all lived
ellos/ellas vivían They lived

Exercises and examples phrases

Trabajar to work

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo trabajaba I was working
tú trabajabas You worked
él/ella trabajaba He worked
nosotros/nosotras trabajábamos We worked
vosotros/vosotras trabajabais You all were working
ellos/ellas trabajaban They worked

Exercises and examples phrases

Decir to say

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo diría I would say
tú dirías You would say
él/ella diría He would say
nosotros/nosotras diríamos We would say
vosotros/vosotras diríais you all would say
ellos/ellas dirían They would say

Exercises and examples phrases

Pedir to ask

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo pediría I would ask
tú pedirías You would ask
él/ella pediría he would ask
nosotros/nosotras pediríamos We would ask
vosotros/vosotras pediríais you would ask
ellos/ellas pedirían They would ask

Exercises and examples phrases

Ver to see

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo veía I used to see
tú veías You saw
él/ella veía he saw
nosotros/nosotras veíamos we saw
vosotros/vosotras veíais you (plural) used to see
ellos/ellas veían They saw

Exercises and examples phrases

Ir to go

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo iba I was going
tú ibas You were going
él/ella iba he was going
nosotros/nosotras íbamos we were going
vosotros/vosotras ibais you all were going
ellos/ellas iban They were going

Exercises and examples phrases

Comer to eat

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo comía I was eating
tú comías you ate
él/ella comía he was eating
nosotros/nosotras comíamos we used to eat
vosotros/vosotras comíais You ate
ellos/ellas comían They were eating

Exercises and examples phrases

Hacerse to become

Futuro simple

Spanish English
yo me haré I will become
tú te harás You will become
él/ella se hará He/She will become
nosotros/nosotras nos haremos we will become
vosotros/vosotras os haréis You will become
ellos/ellas se harán They will become

Exercises and examples phrases

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