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The imperfect past tense of regular verbs

The imperfect past tense is a verbal tense in Spanish that we use to talk about past actions that do not have a defined beginning or end, or that were repeated in the past.

Gramática: El pretérito imperfecto de verbos regulares

A2 Spanish Imperfect past regular

Level: A2

Module 2: El buen pasado (The good old past)

Lesson 11: Infancia y recuerdos (Childhood and memories)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

  1. It is used to talk about habitual actions, to describe people, places or situations, and actions in progress in the past.
  2. For verbs ending in "-ar" add "-aba, -abas, -aba, -ábamos, -abais, -aban".
  3. For verbs ending in "-er/-ir" add "-ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, -íais, -ían".
PronombreVerbo en -arVerbo en -er/-irEjemplo
YoJugabaSalíaYo jugaba con mi juguete favorito cuando salía al jardín. (I used to play with my favourite toy when I went out to the garden.)
JugabasSalíasTú jugabas en el parque cuando salías de la escuela. (You were playing in the park when you came out of school.)
Él/Ella/ UstedJugabaSalíaÉl jugaba con nostalgia al recordar cuando salía con su familia. (He used to play with nostalgia when remembering when he used to go out with his family.)
Nosotros/-asJugábamosSalíamosNosotros jugábamos juntos antes de que salíamos de casa. (We used to play together before we used to leave the house.)
Vosotros/-asJugabaisSalíaisVosotros jugabais al fútbol cada vez que salíais del colegio. (You used to play football every time you left school.)
Ellos/-as/ UstedesJugaban SalíanEllos jugaban durante la infancia mientras salían a explorar la naturaleza. (They played during their childhood while they went out to explore nature.)


  1. There are only three irregular verbs in this tense: "ser, ir, ver". Examples: "ser -> yo era, ir -> yo iba, ver -> yo veía".
  2. The first and third person singular are the same. Example: "yo jugaba/él jugaba".

Exercise 1: El pretérito imperfecto de verbos regulares

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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veíais, ibas, escuchábamos, echaba de menos, era, os quedabais, cenábamos, salías

1. Echar de menos (Él):
Mi abuelo siempre ... su infancia.
(My grandfather always missed his childhood.)
2. Cenar (Nosotros):
Mis amigos y yo ... antes de que salíamos de fiesta.
(My friends and I were having dinner before we went to the party.)
3. Escuchar (Nosotros):
Cuando éramos adolescentes ... la música de los años 80.
(When we were teenagers, we used to listen to the music of the 80s.)
4. Ver (Vosotros):
Siempre os llevabais un susto cuando ... algo sorprendente.
(You always got a fright when you saw something surprising.)
5. Ir (Tú):
En nuestra infancia siempre ... a jugar conmigo en el parque.
(In our childhood, you always used to go and play with me in the park.)
6. Ser (Ella):
Cuando mi madre ... adolescente salía de fiesta con sus amigas.
(When my mother was a teenager, she used to go out partying with her friends.)
7. Salir (Tú):
Después de que ... siempre corrías al lado del río.
(After you went out you always used to run by the river.)
8. Quedarse (Vosotros):
Cuando nosotros salíamos a cenar vosotros ... en el hotel para jugar.
(When we went out for dinner, you stayed at the hotel to play.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


os quedabais

you stayed



they saw



you used to go



we were having dinner