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Spanish A2.12: My time at school

Mi tiempo en la escuela

Vocabulary (8)



To remember Show

 Durante: During (Spanish)

Durante la semana pasada descubrí un nuevo juguete para niños.


Last week I discovered a new toy for children. Show



During Show

 Anteayer: The day before yesterday (Spanish)

Anteayer, noté que mi experiencia de voluntariado durante la pandemia fue increíble.


The day before yesterday, I noticed that my volunteering experience during the pandemic was incredible. Show



The day before yesterday Show

 Anterior: Previous (Spanish)

El voluntariado más anterior que hice fue el año pasado.


The most previous volunteering I did was last year. Show



Previous Show

 Pasado: Past (Spanish)

El evento más pasado fue el voluntariado.


The most recent event was the volunteering. Show



Past Show

 Relacionado: Related (Spanish)

El anuncio es más relacionado con la publicidad que con el voluntariado.


The advertisement is more akin to advertising than to volunteering. Show



Related Show

 La experiencia: The experience (Spanish)

La experiencia del voluntariado fue verdaderamente increíble.


The experience of volunteering was truly incredible. Show

La experiencia


The experience Show

 Temporal: Temporary (Spanish)

Su contrato fue el más temporalísimo de todos.


His contract was the most temporary of all. Show



Temporary Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



To remember









The day before yesterday




Exercise 2: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

dijo, trabajé, di, hiciste, pusisteis, quise, hicimos, estuve

Tú ... el check in antes de salir.
(You did the check-in before leaving.)
Yo ... en la playa y me relajé mucho.
(I was at the beach and I relaxed a lot.)
Yo le ... algo de comer hace un rato.
(I gave him something to eat a while ago.)
Ella ... que el viaje fue relajado.
(She said that the journey was relaxed.)
Vosotros ... la toalla en el baño.
(You put the towel in the bathroom.)
Yo ... en la floristería este mes.
(I worked at the florist's this month.)
Nosotras ... una excursión a la montaña en el pasado.
(We did an excursion to the mountain in the past.)
Yo ... hacer senderismo.
(I wanted to go hiking.)

Exercise 3: El pretérito indefinido: los verbos regulares

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

cogí, me sentí, vivisteis, Pasaron por, comimos, bebiste, hablaste, cambió de casa

1. Ella:
Mi mejor amiga ... ayer. Ahora vive en una casa nueva.
(My best friend moved house yesterday. Now she lives in a new house.)
2. Tú:
Ayer me ... de algo increíble de tu pasado.
(Yesterday you told me about something incredible from your past.)
3. Tú:
Por el calor enorme ... mucha agua durante el día.
(Because of the enormous heat, you drank a lot of water during the day.)
4. Vosotros:
Durante la pandemia ... en esta casa.
(During the pandemic, you lived in this house.)
5. Nosotros:
El fin de semana pasado ... en un buen restaurante.
(Last weekend, we ate at a good restaurant.)
6. Yo:
Durante la pandemia ... deprimido por no poder hacer nada.
(During the pandemic I felt depressed because I could not do anything.)
7. Yo:
La semana pasada ... el coche para llegar al trabajo.
(Last week I took the car to get to work.)
8. Ustedes:
... la pandemia sin estar contagiados por el virus.
(They went through the pandemic without being infected by the virus.)

Exercise 4: El pretérito indefinido: los verbos irregulares

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

dio, tuve, pudiste, pude, Quisisteis, supe, hicimos, supieron

1. Poder (Tú):
Juan, ¿... hacer el voluntariado anteayer?
(Juan, were you able to do the volunteering the day before yesterday?)
2. Poder (Yo):
No ... hacer el voluntariado en Berlin.
(I couldn't do the volunteering in Berlin.)
3. Saber (Ustedes):
No ... que Ana se unió al voluntariado.
(They did not know that Ana joined the volunteer programme.)
4. Hacer (Nosotros-/as):
Anteayer ... un proyecto relacionado con la experiencia de compartir piso.
(The day before yesterday we did a project related to the experience of sharing a flat.)
5. Tener (Yo):
El año pasado ... la oportunidad de compartir piso con mi amiga.
(Last year I had the opportunity to share a flat with my friend.)
6. Saber (Yo):
El mes pasado ... que había un programa de voluntariado temporal en mi ciudad.
(Last month I found out that there was a temporary volunteering programme in my city.)
7. Dar (Él/ Ella/ Usted):
Luis me ... una tarea relacionada con el voluntariado.
(Luis gave me a task related to volunteering.)
8. Querer (Vosotros/-as):
¿... estar de voluntarios el año pasado?
(Did you want to be volunteers last year?)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (8): Verbs: 1, Adjectives: 4, Adverbs: 2, Nouns: 1,

Spanish English
Acordarse To remember
Anteayer The day before yesterday
Anterior Previous
Durante During
La experiencia The experience
Pasado Past
Relacionado Related
Temporal Temporary

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Hacer to do

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo hice I did
tú hiciste You did
él/ella hizo He did
nosotros/nosotras hicimos We did
vosotros/vosotras hicisteis You did
ellos/ellas hicieron They did

Exercises and examples phrases

Vivir to live

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo viví I lived
tú viviste You lived
él/ella vivió He lived
nosotros/nosotras vivimos We lived
vosotros/vosotras vivisteis You lived
ellos/ellas vivieron They lived

Exercises and examples phrases

Trabajar to work

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo trabajé I worked
tú trabajaste You worked
él/ella trabajó he worked
nosotros/nosotras trabajamos we worked
vosotros/vosotras trabajasteis you worked
ellos/ellas trabajaron They worked

Exercises and examples phrases

Estar to be

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo estuve I was
tú estuviste you were
él/ella estuvo he was
nosotros/nosotras estuvimos we were
vosotros/vosotras estuvisteis you were
ellos/ellas estuvieron they were

Exercises and examples phrases

Decir to say

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo dije I said
tú dijiste You said
él/ella dijo he said
nosotros/nosotras dijimos we said
vosotros/vosotras dijisteis you said
ellos/ellas dijeron They said

Exercises and examples phrases

Comer to eat

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo comí I ate
tú comiste You ate
él/ella comió he ate
nosotros/nosotras comimos we ate
vosotros/vosotras comisteis you ate
ellos/ellas comieron they ate

Exercises and examples phrases

Querer to want

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo quise I wanted
tú quisiste You wanted
él/ella quiso he wanted
nosotros/nosotras quisimos We wanted
vosotros/vosotras quisisteis you wanted
ellos/ellas quisieron They wanted

Exercises and examples phrases

Poner to put

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo puse I put
tú pusiste you put
él/ella puso he/she put
nosotros/nosotras pusimos we put
vosotros/vosotras pusisteis you put
ellos/ellas pusieron they put

Exercises and examples phrases

Dar to give

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo di I gave
tú diste You gave
él/ella dio he/she gave
nosotros/nosotras dimos we gave
vosotros/vosotras disteis you gave
ellos/ellas dieron they gave

Exercises and examples phrases

Saber to know

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo supe I knew
tú supiste You knew
él/ella supo he knew
nosotros/nosotras supimos we knew
vosotros/vosotras supisteis You/you knew
ellos/ellas supieron they knew

Exercises and examples phrases

Poder to be able to

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo pude I was able to
tú pudiste You were able to
él/ella pudo He/she was able to
nosotros/nosotras pudimos we were able to
vosotros/vosotras pudisteis You were able to
ellos/ellas pudieron They were able to

Exercises and examples phrases

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