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Spanish A2.10: Did you hear the news?

¿Has oído las noticias?

Vocabulary (8)

 Volver (to return) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Ellos vuelven del viaje con muchas historias.


They return from the trip with many stories. Show



To return Show

 Hace poco: Recently (Spanish)

Hace poco descubrieron un orfanato misterioso en el valle.


Just now, they discovered a mysterious orphanage in the valley. Show

Hace poco


Recently Show

 Hace una media hora: About half an hour ago (Spanish)

Hace una media hora, acabamos de descubrir algo sorprendente en el evento.


About half an hour ago, we just discovered something surprising at the event. Show

Hace una media hora


About half an hour ago Show

 Hace un rato: A little while ago (Spanish)

Hace un rato, terminaste de descubrir algo increíble en el evento.


A short while ago, you finished discovering something amazing at the event. Show

Hace un rato


A little while ago Show

 Este mes: This month (Spanish)

Hace poco he notado que este mes se ha terminado de manera inesperada.


I have recently noticed that this month has ended unexpectedly. Show

Este mes


This month Show

El programa


The programme Show

Ver un programa de televisión


Watch a tv programme Show

El presentador


The presenter Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!

A2.10.2 Gramática

"Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

"Acabar de" + infinitive: express a recently completed action.

A2.10.3 Gramática

Expresiones temporales (Hace un rato, esta semana, este mes,...)

Temporal expressions (A while ago, this week, this month,...)

Conversation exercise

  1. Describe lo que Pablo había hecho en qué momento en el pasado. ¡Usa el tiempo pasado correcto! (Describe what Pablo had done at what time in the past. Use the correct past tense!)
  2. ¿Qué has hecho recientemente/esta semana/este mes? (What have you done recently/this week/this month? )

Teaching guidelines +/- 10 minutes

Example phrases:

Pablo ha ido al gimnasio esta semana.

Pablo has gone to the gym this week.

Recientemente ha ido a un museo.

He recently has gone to a museum.

He estado de vacaciones dos veces este año.

I have been on two holidays this year.

He estado en Mallorca durante dos semanas y este mes he estado en Francia.

I have been to Mallorca for two weeks and this month I have been to France.

He comido hace un rato.

I have had lunch a little while ago.

Hace aproximadamente media hora terminé de leer mi libro.

About half an hour ago I finished reading my book.



These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
vuelto a | el valle. | Él ha | naturaleza desde | admirar la
Él ha vuelto a admirar la naturaleza desde el valle.
(He has returned to admire nature from the valley.)
en el | descubrieron un | valle. | orfanato misterioso | Hace poco
Hace poco descubrieron un orfanato misterioso en el valle.
(Just now, they discovered a mysterious orphanage in the valley.)
de descubrir | evento. | rato, terminaste | en el | algo increíble | Hace un
Hace un rato, terminaste de descubrir algo increíble en el evento.
(A short while ago, you finished discovering something amazing at the event.)
mucho | meses. | estos | calor | Hace
Hace mucho calor estos meses.
(It is very hot these months.)
inesperada. | notado que este | mes se ha | terminado de manera | Hace poco he
Hace poco he notado que este mes se ha terminado de manera inesperada.
(I have recently noticed that this month has ended unexpectedly.)
media hora, | el evento. | sorprendente en | descubrir algo | Hace una | acabamos de
Hace una media hora, acabamos de descubrir algo sorprendente en el evento.
(About half an hour ago, we just discovered something surprising at the event.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


Hace poco



Hace una media hora

About half an hour ago


Este mes

This month


El programa

The programme


El presentador

The presenter

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

hemos vuelto, has vuelto, han vuelto, he vuelto, habéis vuelto, ha vuelto

Él ... a admirar la naturaleza desde el valle.
(He has returned to admire the nature from the valley.)
Vosotros ... a compartir el anuncio de la empresa..
(You have returned to share the company's announcement.)
Nosotros ... a ver la publicidad hace una media hora.
(We have returned to see the advertisement about half an hour ago.)
Ellos ... a descubrir la cascada en el bosque.
(They have returned to discover the waterfall in the forest.)
Tú ... a participar en el evento este mes.
(You have returned to participate in the event this month.)
Hoy yo ... a subir la montaña.
(Today I have returned to climb the mountain.)

Exercise 4: "Acabar de" + infinitivo: expresar una acción recién completada.

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

Acaban de, acabamos de, Acabo de, Acabamos de, acaban de, Acabáis de, ¿Acabas de, Acaba de

1. Ellas:
... contarme una historia increíble.
(They have just told me an incredible story.)
2. Vosotras:
... enteraros de algo inesperado.
(You have just found out something unexpected.)
3. Ellos:
Hace unos momentos ... pensar en todo lo increíble que ha pasado.
(A few moments ago they just thought about all the incredible things that have happened.)
4. Yo:
... ver a tu madre.
(I've just seen your mum.)
5. Nosotros:
... vivir una sorpresa.
(We have just had a surprise.)
6. Nosotras:
Hace dos minutos ... llevarnos un susto.
(Two minutes ago we just had a scare.)
7. Tú:
... notar mi regalo?
(Have you just noticed my present?)
8. Él:
... enterarse de un evento sorprendente.
(He/She has just found out about a surprising event.)

Exercise 5: Expresiones temporales (Hace un rato, esta semana, este mes,...)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

hace un rato, hace poco, Hace un momento, desde hace un tiempo, desde siempre, esta semana, este mes, Hoy

Participas en eventos importantes ..., ¿verdad? Has participado en muchos ya.
(You've been taking part in important events for a while, haven't you? You've participated in many already.)
Esta semana ha sido muy buena. Hemos vuelto a participar en la organización de la publicidad ....
(This week has been very good. We have participated in the organization of the publicity again this week.)
... he visto un anuncio sobre el evento. No han pasado ni cinco minutos.
(A moment ago I saw an advert about the event. Not even five minutes have passed.)
Hemos vuelto del evento ....
(We got back from the event a little while ago.)
... he visto un anuncio muy importante. Tengo que leerlo durante el día.
(Today I've seen a very important announcement. I have to read it during the day.)
Es un mes interesante. Ana ha descubierto muchas publicidades ...
(It's an interesting month. Ana has discovered many advertisements this month.)
A María siempre le han gustado los eventos. Le ha gustado participar en eventos importantes ....
(María has always liked events. She has liked taking part in important events since always.)
¿Has visto la publicidad ... o hace rato?
(Have you seen the advert recently or a while ago?)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (8): Verbs: 1, Interjection: 3, Nouns: 3, Sentences / word combination: 1
Context vocabulary: 4

Spanish English
El presentador The presenter
El programa The programme
Este año This year
Este mes This month
Evento Event
Hace poco Recently
Hace un rato A little while ago
Hace una media hora About half an hour ago
Importante Important
Sorteo Draw
Ver un programa de televisión Watch a TV programme
Volver To return

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Volver to return

Pretérito perfecto

Spanish English
yo he vuelto I have returned
tú has vuelto You have returned
él/ella ha vuelto He has returned
nosotros/nosotras hemos vuelto We have returned
vosotros/vosotras habéis vuelto You have returned
ellos/ellas han vuelto They have returned

Exercises and examples phrases

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