Spanish A2 module 3: Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

This is learning module 3 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: A2

Learning goals:

  • Hablar sobre actividades comunes de fin de semana. (Talk about common weekend activities.)
  • Integra los tiempos de futuro simple. (Integrate the simple future tenses.)


Learning material Audio Actions
A2.17.2: El futuro simple: los verbos regulares El futuro simple: los verbos regulares
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Ir a un concierto (Going to a concert)
Level: A2

Audio with translations

A2.17.3: El futuro simple: los verbos irregulares The futuro simple: irregular verbs
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Ir a un concierto (Going to a concert)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.18.2: Condicional tipo 1 First conditional
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Visitando amigos (Visiting friends)
Level: A2

Audio with translations

A2.19.4: El "se" impersonal The impersonal "se"
Type: Verbs
Chapter: Visita el campo (Visit the countryside)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.20.2: Las conjunciones: "Ni... Ni...", "Así Como" The conjunctions: "Ni... Ni...", "Así Como"
Type: Conjunction
Chapter: Comprar un regalo especial (Buying a special gift)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.21.4: Las conjunciones: "Y, Pero, O, Así que, Entonces" The conjunctions: "Y, Pero, O, Así que, Entonces"
Type: Conjunction
Chapter: Observación de estrellas (Star watching)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.22.4: Superlative absolute: -ísimo/-ísima Superlative absolute: -ísimo/-ísima
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Un día en el zoológico (A day at the zoo)
Level: A2

Audio with translations

A2.23.4: Los diminutivos: -ito, -ita, -illo, illa The diminutives: -ito, -ita, -illo, illa
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Direcciones del viento (Wind directions)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.24.4: Expresar lo positivo y lo negativo (bien/bueno, mal/malo) Express the positive and the negative (bien/bueno, mal/malo)
Type: Adjectives
Chapter: Caminar el domingo. (Going for a Sunday walk.)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations