10K+ students - 4.8/5

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Vocabulary (11)

 El príncipe: The prince (Spanish)

El príncipe soñará con tener una mascota cuando sea mayor.


The prince will dream of having a pet when he is older. Show

El príncipe


The prince Show

 La princesa: The princess (Spanish)

Cuando era niña, Isabel siempre soñaba con ser la princesa de un cuento.


When she was a child, Isabel always dreamed of being the princess in a fairy tale. Show

La princesa


The princess Show

El presidente


The prime minister Show

El partido político


The political party Show

El gobierno


The government Show

La política


Politics Show

El ayuntamiento


The town council Show

El (primer) ministro


The prime minister Show

El ejército


The army Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


El gobierno

The government


El presidente

The Prime Minister


La guerra

The war


El ayuntamiento

The town council


La princesa

The princess

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (11): Nouns: 9, Sentences / word combination: 2
Context vocabulary: 3

Spanish English
El (primer) ministro The Prime Minister
El ayuntamiento The town council
El ejército The army
El gobierno The government
El juez The judge
El partido político The political party
El presidente The Prime Minister
El príncipe The prince
La guerra The war
La política Politics
La princesa The princess
Monarquía Monarchy
Sueña con Dreams of
Símbolo Symbol

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