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Vocabulary (10)

 Depender (to depend) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Él depende del doctorado para avanzar en su carrera.


He depends on the doctorate to advance in his career. Show



To depend Show

 La meta: The goal (Spanish)

Si lograra la meta, mejoraría mi carrera profesional.


If I achieved the goal, it would enhance my professional career. Show

La meta


The goal Show

 Tener ilusión: To have hope (Spanish)

Si tuviera ilusión, seguiría mi carrera profesional en Europa.


If I had dreams, I would continue my professional career in Europe. Show

Tener ilusión


To have hope Show

 Por suerte: Fortunately (Spanish)

Por suerte, lograría la meta con dedicación y paciencia constante.


Fortunately, I would achieve the goal with dedication and constant patience. Show

Por suerte


Fortunately Show

 La paciencia: The patience (Spanish)

Si hubiera tenido más paciencia, habría logrado mi meta personal.


If I had been more patient, I would have achieved my personal goal. Show

La paciencia


The patience Show

 Fácil: Easy (Spanish)

Sería más fácil subir al globo con ayuda.


It would be easier to get into the balloon with help. Show



Easy Show

 Difícil: Difficult (Spanish)

Llegar a la meta es más difícil sin ilusión.


Reaching the goal is harder without enthusiasm. Show



Difficult Show

 La calidad de vida: The quality of life (Spanish)

Si tuviera paciencia, mejoraría la calidad de vida disfrutando más.


If I had patience, I would improve the quality of life by enjoying it more. Show

La calidad de vida


The quality of life Show

 La carrera profesional: The professional career (Spanish)

Si tuviera paciencia, su carrera profesional sería más fácil.


If he had patience, his career would be easier. Show

La carrera profesional


The professional career Show

 Personal: Personal (Spanish)

En la maratón, ella participó con una meta personalita.


In the marathon, she participated with a personal goal. Show



Personal Show


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


La meta

The goal


La calidad de vida

The quality of life





La paciencia

The patience


Tener ilusión

To have hope

Exercise 2: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

dependimos, experimentaron, experimentó, experimenté, dependieron, experimentaba, dependí, experimentaste

Yo ... con la jardinería en mi tiempo libre.
(I experimented with gardening in my free time.)
Ayer ... con la temática del programa de televisión.
(Yesterday, I experienced with the theme of the television programme.)
Tú ... el miedo al comunicar en público.
(You experienced the fear of speaking in public.)
... de la información del periódico para estar informado.
(I relied on the information from the newspaper to stay informed.)
Ellos ... distintas opiniones en el debate.
(They experienced different opinions in the debate.)
Ellos ... del contenido del episodio para debatir sus puntos de vista.
(They relied on the episode's content to debate their viewpoints.)
... de la tecnología para comunicarnos en la conferencia.
(We relied on technology to communicate at the conference.)
Él ... con un nuevo método en el laboratorio.
(He experienced with a new method in the laboratory.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (10): Verbs: 1, Adjectives: 3, Nouns: 2, Sentences / word combination: 4

Spanish English
Depender To depend
Difícil Difficult
Fácil Easy
La calidad de vida The quality of life
La carrera profesional The professional career
La meta The goal
La paciencia The patience
Personal Personal
Por suerte Fortunately
Tener ilusión To have hope

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Experimentar to experience

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo experimenté I experienced
tú experimentaste you experienced
él/ella experimentó he/she experienced
nosotros/nosotras experimentamos we experienced
vosotros/vosotras experimentasteis You experienced
ellos/ellas experimentaron They experienced

Exercises and examples phrases

Experimentar to experience

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo experimentaba I was experiencing
tú experimentabas You were experiencing
él/ella experimentaba He/she was experiencing
nosotros/nosotras experimentábamos We experienced
vosotros/vosotras experimentabais you experienced
ellos/ellas experimentaban They were experiencing

Exercises and examples phrases

Depender to depend

Pretérito indefinido

Spanish English
yo dependí I depended
tú dependiste You depended
él/ella dependió he/she depended
nosotros/nosotras dependimos We depended
vosotros/vosotras dependisteis You (all) depended
ellos/ellas dependieron They depended

Exercises and examples phrases

Depender to depend

Pretérito imperfecto

Spanish English
yo dependía I depended
tú dependías you depended
él/ella dependía he/she depended
nosotros/nosotras dependíamos we depended
vosotros/vosotras dependíais You depended
ellos/ellas dependían They depended

Exercises and examples phrases

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