Depender (to depend) - Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative) Share Copied!

Depender - Conjugation of to depend in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple past, indicative tense (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo).
Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Depender (to depend) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Deseos y anhelos (Desires and wishes)
Conjugation of to depend in Pretérito indefinido
Spanish | English |
yo dependí | I depended |
tú dependiste | You depended |
él/ella dependió | he/she depended |
nosotros/nosotras dependimos | We depended |
vosotros/vosotras dependisteis | You (all) depended |
ellos/ellas dependieron | They depended |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Dependí de la información del periódico para estar informado. | I depended on the information from the newspaper to stay informed. |
Dependiste del locutor para conocer las noticias en vivo. | You depended on the announcer to know the news live. |
Él dependió de su portátil para redactar el documento. | He depended on his laptop to draft the document. |
Dependimos de la tecnología para comunicarnos en la conferencia. | We depended on technology to communicate at the conference. |
Dependisteis del influencer para entender la campaña publicitaria. | You depended on the influencer to understand the advertising campaign. |
Ellos dependieron del contenido del episodio para debatir sus puntos de vista. | They depended on the content of the episode to debate their points of view. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
dependí, dependiste, dependió, dependimos, dependisteis, dependieron
... de la tecnología para comunicarnos en la conferencia.
(We depended on technology to communicate at the conference.)
Ellos ... del contenido del episodio para debatir sus puntos de vista.
(They depended on the content of the episode to debate their points of view.)
Él ... de su portátil para redactar el documento.
(He depended on his laptop to draft the document.)
... del locutor para conocer las noticias en vivo.
(You depended on the announcer to know the news live.)
... de la información del periódico para estar informado.
(I depended on the information from the newspaper to stay informed.)
... del influencer para entender la campaña publicitaria.
(You depended on the influencer to understand the advertising campaign.)