Experimentar (to experience) - Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative) Share Copied!

Experimentar - Conjugation of to experience in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple past, indicative tense (Pretérito indefinido, indicativo).
Pretérito indefinido, indicativo (Simple past, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Experimentar (to experience) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Trabajo: expectativas y realidad (Occupation: expectations and reality)
Conjugation of to experience in Pretérito indefinido
Spanish | English |
yo experimenté | I experienced |
tú experimentaste | you experienced |
él/ella experimentó | he/she experienced |
nosotros/nosotras experimentamos | we experienced |
vosotros/vosotras experimentasteis | You experienced |
ellos/ellas experimentaron | They experienced |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Ayer experimenté con la temática del programa de televisión. | Yesterday, I experienced with the theme of the television programme. |
Tú experimentaste el miedo al comunicar en público. | You experienced the fear of speaking in public. |
Él experimentó con un nuevo método en el laboratorio. | He experienced with a new method in the laboratory. |
Nosotros experimentamos con la música clásica en el programa. | We experienced with classical music in the programme. |
Vosotros experimentasteis con las noticias en la emisora. | You experienced with the news at the station. |
Ellos experimentaron distintas opiniones en el debate. | They experienced different opinions in the debate. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
experimentasteis, experimentamos, experimentaste, experimentó, experimentaron, experimenté
Ayer ... con la temática del programa de televisión.
(Yesterday, I experienced with the theme of the television programme.)
Tú ... el miedo al comunicar en público.
(You experienced the fear of speaking in public.)
Él ... con un nuevo método en el laboratorio.
(He experienced with a new method in the laboratory.)
Nosotros ... con la música clásica en el programa.
(We experienced with classical music in the programme.)
Vosotros ... con las noticias en la emisora.
(You experienced with the news at the station.)
Ellos ... distintas opiniones en el debate.
(They experienced different opinions in the debate.)