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Spanish B1.15: Travel aspirations

Viajes soñados y planes

Vocabulary (12)

 El crucero: The cruise (Spanish)

Si pudiera, me iría de crucero por Europa este verano.


If I could, I would go on a cruise around Europe this summer. Show

El crucero


The cruise Show

 El safari: The safari (Spanish)

Si pudiera, me subiría a un globo para ver el safari.


If I could, I would get on a balloon to see the safari. Show

El safari


The safari Show

 La caravana: The caravan (Spanish)

Si tuviera dinero, viajaría por Europa en la caravana.


If I had money, I would travel around Europe in the caravan. Show

La caravana


The caravan Show

 El globo: The balloon (Spanish)

Si tuviera un globo, exploraría todos los continentes.


If I had a balloon, I would explore all the continents. Show

El globo


The balloon Show

 Aventurero: Adventurous (Spanish)

En el crucero, el globo sería un lugar aventurero ísimo.


On the cruise, the balloon would be an adventurous place. Show



Adventurous Show

 El continente: The continent (Spanish)

Si pudiera, viajaría por todo el continente europeo en caravana.


If I could, I would travel around the entire European continent in a caravan. Show

El continente


The continent Show

 Europa: Europe (Spanish)

Sería emocionante explorar Europa en un globo aerostático.


It would be thrilling to explore Europe in a hot air balloon. Show



Europe Show

 Asia: Asia (Spanish)

Me marcharía a Asia si pudiera subirme al globo.


I would go to Asia if I could get on the balloon. Show



Asia Show

 América: America (Spanish)

Si fuera un explorador, visitaría América en un globo.


If I were an explorer, I would visit America in a balloon. Show



America Show

 Oceanía: Oceania (Spanish)

Si estudiara más, me gustaría explorar Oceanía.


If I studied more, I would like to explore Oceania. Show



Oceania Show

 Marcharse (to leave) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Siempre me marcho cuando la discusión se vuelve controversial.


I always leave when the discussion becomes controversial. Show



To leave Show

 Subirse (to get on) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Vosotros os subís al barco y Estabais escuchando La emisora.


You all get on the boat and you were listening to the radio station. Show



To get on Show

Listening & reading materials

Follow adventures of Eva, Ana, Juan and Pedro.

B1.15.1 Cultura

Aventura en el Pico Mulhacén: La cima de Sierra Nevada

Adventure on Mulhacén Peak: The Summit of Sierra Nevada


It's not the most exciting thing, we admit, but it’s absolutely essential (and we promise it'll pay off)!


These exercises can be done together during conversation lessons or as homework.

Exercise 1: Reorder sentences

Instruction: Make correct sentences and translate.

Show answers Show translation
los productos. | al canal | para promocionar | Se subirían
Se subirían al canal para promocionar los productos.
(They would get on the channel to promote the products.)
los continentes. | un globo, | exploraría todos | Si tuviera
Si tuviera un globo, exploraría todos los continentes.
(If I had a balloon, I would explore all the continents.)
de aventuras. | Si tuviéramos | suscribiríamos a | globos, nos | una revista
Si tuviéramos globos, nos suscribiríamos a una revista de aventuras.
(If we had balloons, we would subscribe to an adventure magazine.)
suscripción estuviera | si la | carta de | Nos marcharíamos | revista. | en la
Nos marcharíamos si la carta de suscripción estuviera en la revista.
(We would leave if the subscription card were in the magazine.)
los continentes. | explorar todos | me gustaría | más tiempo, | Si tuviera
Si tuviera más tiempo, me gustaría explorar todos los continentes.
(If I had more time, I would like to explore all the continents.)
en la | Si tuviera | caravana. | dinero, viajaría | por Europa
Si tuviera dinero, viajaría por Europa en la caravana.
(If I had money, I would travel around Europe in the caravan.)
las caravanas. | que les | Ellos dijeron | gustarían explorar | América con
Ellos dijeron que les gustarían explorar América con las caravanas.
(They said they would like to explore America with the caravans.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.



To get on


El continente

The continent






To leave




Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

Show translation Show answers

comerían, hablaría, comería, comeríamos, viviría, comeríais, comerías

Tú ... mientras veías el telediario.
(You would eat while watching the news.)
Si tuviera buena conexión a internet, ... en una casa en el campo.
(If I had a good internet connection, I would live in a house in the countryside.)
Yo ... productos de marca si fueran seguros.
(I would eat branded products if they were safe.)
Él ... durante la pausa comercial del programa.
(He would eat during the programme's commercial break.)
Nosotros ... en el cine antes de ver la película de acción.
(We would eat at the cinema before watching the action film.)
Ellos ... al terminar de leer el artículo.
(They would eat after finishing reading the article.)
Él ... sobre las campañas publicitarias en la radio.
(He would talk about the advertising campaigns on the radio.)
Vosotros ... mientras escuchabais el podcast.
(You would eat while you listened to the podcast.)

Exercise 4: Condicional simple

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

se iría, visitaríamos, deberíais, se subirían, nos subiríamos, me marcharía, se subiría, querría

1. Subirse:
Con muy buen tiempo, mi novia y yo ... en un globo para ver la puesta del sol.
(With very good weather, my girlfriend and I would go up in a balloon to see the sunset.)
2. Subirse:
Mi hermano ... a un globo para viajar por Europa pero no es tan aventurero.
(My brother would go up in a balloon to travel around Europe but he is not that adventurous.)
3. Subirse:
Ellos ... en un globo pero tienen miedo de las alturas.
(They would get on a balloon but they are afraid of heights.)
4. Irse:
Mi tía ... en un crucero por América pero tiene que trabajar mucho.
(My aunt would go on a cruise around America but she has to work a lot.)
5. Visitar:
Mis amigos y yo ... cada continente como verdaderos exploradores pero el problema es el dinero.
(My friends and I would visit every continent like true explorers but the problem is the money.)
6. Marcharse:
Yo ... de safari por África pero ahora no tengo la oportunidad de hacerlo.
(I would go on a safari in Africa but at the moment I don't have the opportunity to do so.)
7. Deber:
Con vuestras vacaciones más largas, ... iros en caravana por Europa.
(With your longer holidays, you should go caravanning around Europe.)
8. Querer:
Yo ... saber si hay safaris en Oceanía.
(I would like to know if there are safaris in Oceania.)

Additional learning materials

Appendix 1: Extended vocabulary table

Core vocabulary (12): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 1, Nouns: 9,

Spanish English
América America
Asia Asia
Aventurero Adventurous
El continente The continent
El crucero The cruise
El globo The balloon
El safari The safari
Europa Europe
La caravana The caravan
Marcharse To leave
Oceanía Oceania
Subirse To get on

Appendix 2: Verb conjugation tables for this lesson

Vivir to live

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo viviría I would live
tú vivirías You would live
él/ella viviría he would live
nosotros/nosotras viviríamos we would live
vosotros/vosotras viviríais You all would live
ellos/ellas vivirían they would live

Exercises and examples phrases

Comer to eat

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo comería I would eat
tú comerías You would eat
él/ella comería he would eat
nosotros/nosotras comeríamos we would eat
vosotros/vosotras comeríais you (plural) would eat
ellos/ellas comerían They would eat

Exercises and examples phrases

Hablar to speak

Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo hablaría I would speak
tú hablarías You would speak
él/ella hablaría he/she would speak
nosotros/nosotras hablaríamos we would speak
vosotros/vosotras hablaríais you lot would speak
ellos/ellas hablarían they would speak

Exercises and examples phrases

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