Comer (to eat) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)

 Comer (to eat) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Comer - Conjugation of to eat in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple conditional, indicative tense (Condicional simple, indicativo).

Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Comer (to eat) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Alimentación diaria (Daily food)

Conjugation of to eat in Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo comería I would eat
tú comerías You would eat
él/ella comería he would eat
nosotros/nosotras comeríamos we would eat
vosotros/vosotras comeríais you (plural) would eat
ellos/ellas comerían They would eat

Example phrases

Spanish English
Yo comería productos de marca si fueran seguros. I would eat branded products if they were safe.
Tú comerías mientras veías El telediario. You would eat while you watched the news.
Él comería durante la pausa comercial del programa. He would eat during the commercial break of the programme.
Nosotros comeríamos en el cine antes de ver la película de acción. We would eat at the cinema before watching the action movie.
Vosotros comeríais mientras escuchabais el podcast. You all would eat while you all listened to the podcast.
Ellos comerían al terminar de leer el artículo. They would eat after finishing reading the article.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

comería, comerían, comeríais, comeríamos, comerías

Ellos ... al terminar de leer el artículo.
(They would eat after finishing reading the article.)
Vosotros ... mientras escuchabais el podcast.
(You all would eat while you all listened to the podcast.)
Nosotros ... en el cine antes de ver la película de acción.
(We would eat at the cinema before watching the action movie.)
Él ... durante la pausa comercial del programa.
(He would eat during the commercial break of the programme.)
Tú ... mientras veías el telediario.
(You would eat while watching the news.)
Yo ... productos de marca si fueran seguros.
(I would eat branded products if they were safe.)