Hablar (to speak) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)

 Hablar (to speak) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Hablar - Conjugation of to speak in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple conditional, indicative tense (Condicional simple, indicativo).

Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)

All conjugations and tenses: Hablar (to speak) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Pasiones pendientes (Awaiting passions)

Conjugation of to speak in Condicional simple

Spanish English
yo hablaría I would speak
tú hablarías You would speak
él/ella hablaría he/she would speak
nosotros/nosotras hablaríamos we would speak
vosotros/vosotras hablaríais you lot would speak
ellos/ellas hablarían they would speak

Example phrases

Spanish English
Yo hablaría de la transición democrática en público. I would speak about the democratic transition in public.
Tú hablarías de cómo vender productos emocionantes. You would speak about how to sell exciting products.
Él hablaría sobre las campañas publicitarias en la radio. He would speak about the advertising campaigns on the radio.
Nosotros hablaríamos de los desafíos en la separación de la prensa. We would speak about the challenges in the separation of the press.
Vosotros hablaríais del impacto de los influencers en las redes sociales. You would speak about the impact of influencers on social media.
Ellos hablarían de sus experiencias con campañas patrocinadas. They would speak about their experiences with sponsored campaigns.

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

hablarían, hablaríais, hablarías, hablaría, hablaríamos

Vosotros ... del impacto de los influencers en las redes sociales.
(You would speak about the impact of influencers on social media.)
Yo ... de la transición democrática en público.
(I would speak about the democratic transition in public.)
Él ... sobre las campañas publicitarias en la radio.
(He would speak about the advertising campaigns on the radio.)
Tú ... de cómo vender productos emocionantes.
(You would speak about how to sell exciting products.)
Nosotros ... de los desafíos en la separación de la prensa.
(We would speak about the challenges in the separation of the press.)
Ellos ... de sus experiencias con campañas patrocinadas.
(They would speak about their experiences with sponsored campaigns.)