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Spanish A2 module 4: Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

This is learning module 4 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: A2

Learning goals:

  • Habla sobre tu estilo de vida (Talk about your lifestyle)
  • Descubre los estilos de vida de ahora y del pasado (Discover lifestyles of now and the past)

Word list (121)

Core vocabulary (87): Verbs: 13, Adjectives: 11, Adverbs: 4, Interjection: 4, Nouns: 34, Sentences / word combination: 21
Context vocabulary: 34

Spanish English
Aceite de oliva Olive oil
Antiguo Vintage
Aprende He learns
Aprender To learn
Bienestar Well-being
Bueno Good
Cansancio Tiredness
Carriles bici Cycle lanes
Cepillarse To brush
Clases de Yoga classes
Deber To owe
Debería He should
Deliciosa Delicious
El carril bici The cycle lane
El cepillo de dientes The toothbrush
El champú The shampoo
El ciclista The cyclist
El consejo The advice
El desodorante The deodorant
El entrenamiento The training
El hobby The hobby
El ingrediente The ingredient
El jamón The ham
El pincho The skewer
El plato combinado The mixed plate
El probador The changing room
El refresco The soft drink
El restaurante mexicano The Mexican restaurant
El transporte público The public transport
El yoga The yoga
Elegir To choose
Elige Chooses
Entrena He does not train
Entrenar To train
Equilibrada Balanced
Equilibrado Balanced
Estar cansado Being tired
Estar lleno Be full
Estilo de vida Way of life
Estira She stretches
Estirar To stretch
Están llenos They are full
Fitness Fitness
Fuerte Strong
Hacer un curso Take a course
Igual Just
Igualmente Nevertheless
Ir de excursión To go on an excursion
La afición The hobby
La blusa The blouse
La cazadora The jacket
La colonia The cologne
La comida china Chinese food
La comida rápida Fast food
La crema The cream
La dieta The diet
La fuerza The strength
La merienda The snack
La pasta The pasta
La piscina The swimming pool
La ración The portion
La rutina The routine
La tortilla The Spanish omelette
La zona verde The green zone
Las croquetas The croquettes
Las patatas bravas The patatas bravas
Las patatas fritas The chips
Las pesas The weights
Las tapas The tapas
Levantar To lift
Levanto I lift
Llevar las manos sucias To have dirty hands
Llevar una gorra Wearing a cap
Llevar una vida sana Leading a healthy life
Los calcetines The socks
Los ejercicios The exercises
Malo Badly
Menos Fewer
Merendar Have for tea
Meriendas Snacks
Moderno Modern
Momento Moment
Montar Cycle
Montar en bici Cycling
Más More
Peatonales Pedestrian
Pedir la cuenta Ask for the bill
Pesarse To weigh oneself
Pinchos Skewers
Ponerse To put on
Practicar un deporte To do sport
Preferido Favourite
Presente Present
Probar Try
Probarse To try on
Probaríamos We would try
Pueblos Villages
Refrescos Soft drinks
Rico Rich
Saliendo con Going out with
Saludable Healthy
Saludables Healthy
Sana Healthy
Sano Healthy
Se pesa He weighs himself
Ser vegetariana Being vegetarian
Ser vegetariano Being vegetarian
Sostenible Sustainable
Tapa Tapas
Tener clases de To have classes of
Tener el pelo limpio To have clean hair
Tener hambre Being hungry
Tocar un instrumento To play an instrument
Tomar algo Have something
Tortilla de patata Spanish omelette
Transporte por tierra Land transport
Típica Typical
Típico Typical
Viajar en avión To travel by plane
Viajar en tren Traveling by train
Zonas verdes Green spaces