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Spanish A2 module 4: Estilo de vida (Lifestyle)

This is learning module 4 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: A2

Learning goals:

  • Habla sobre tu estilo de vida (Talk about your lifestyle)
  • Descubre los estilos de vida de ahora y del pasado (Discover lifestyles of now and the past)


Learning material Audio Actions
A2.26.2: ¿Dónde viven los españoles: en casas o pisos? Where do Spaniards live: in houses or flats?
Type: Social norms and customs
Chapter: Clases de pasatiempos (Hobby classes)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.27.3: La tortilla de patata: ¿qué tiene de especial? La tortilla de patata: what makes it special?
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Comida para llevar (Takeaway food)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.28.3: El aceite de oliva Olive oil
Type: Gastronomy
Chapter: Comida y hábitos saludables (Healthy food and habits)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.29.3: Los carriles bici y las vías peatonales en España The bike lanes and pedestrian areas in Spain
Type: Traditions, regions and dialects
Chapter: Transporte (sostenible) ((Sustainable) transport)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.31.3: La revolución del fitness al aire libre en las ciudades de España The outdoor fitness revolution in the cities of Spain
Type: Sports
Chapter: Ejercicio y estilo de vida (Exercise and lifestyle)

Audio with translations
Audio with translations