Spanish A2 module 2: El buen pasado (The good old past)
This is learning module 2 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A2
Learning goals:
- Describe recuerdos y actividades pasadas. (Describe memories and past activities.)
- Conoce los tiempos pasados. (Know the past tenses.)
Word list (108)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 7,
Adjectives: 6,
Adverbs: 6,
Interjection: 7,
Nouns: 40,
Sentences / word combination: 11
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A menudo | Often |
Acordarse | To remember |
Actor | Actor |
Actriz | Actress |
Al final | In the end |
Al principio | At first |
Anteayer | The day before yesterday |
Anterior | Previous |
Anteriormente | Previously |
Antes | Before |
Brillaba | Was shining |
Capturaba | He captured |
Cuento de hadas | Fairy tale |
De repente | All of a sudden |
Después | Afterwards |
Devolver | To return |
Diferente | Different |
Director | Director |
Directora | Film director |
Divertida | Fun |
Divertido | Fun |
Divertirse | To enjoy oneself |
Durante | During |
Décadas | Decades |
Echar de menos | To miss |
Echo de menos | I miss |
El (primer) ministro | The Prime Minister |
El adolescente | The teenager |
El adulto | The adult |
El ayuntamiento | The town council |
El bebé | The baby |
El centro comercial | The shopping centre |
El cheque | The cheque |
El cuento | The story |
El ejército | The army |
El escritor | The writer |
El funcionario | The civil servant |
El gobierno | The government |
El juez | The judge |
El juguete | The toy |
El panadero | The baker |
El partido político | The political party |
El periodo | The period |
El presentador | The presenter |
El presidente | The Prime Minister |
El programa | The programme |
El príncipe | The prince |
El recuerdo | The memory |
El siglo | The century |
En los años | In the years |
Escenas | Scenes |
Esperanza | Hope |
Este año | This year |
Este mes | This month |
Evento | Event |
Gigantes | Giants |
Hablar por teléfono | Talk on the telephone |
Hace poco | Recently |
Hace un rato | A little while ago |
Hace una media hora | About half an hour ago |
Hacer la compra | Do the shopping |
Hacerse | Become |
Ideas | Ideas |
Imaginación | Imagination |
Importante | Important |
Ir de tiendas | Go shopping |
La carnicería | The butcher's |
La cámara | The camera |
La dirección electrónica | The email address |
La década | The decade |
La experiencia | The experience |
La fotografía | The photograph |
La frutería | The greengrocer's |
La gente | The people |
La guerra | The war |
La infancia | The childhood |
La literatura | Literature |
La memoria | The memory |
La moda | The fashion |
La nostalgia | The nostalgia |
La novela | The novel |
La política | Politics |
La princesa | The princess |
La tarjeta de crédito | The credit card |
La tarjeta de la biblioteca | The library card |
La tienda de ropa | The clothing shop |
La época | The era |
Molinos | Windmills |
Monarquía | Monarchy |
Morir | To die |
Muchas veces | Many times |
Mueren | Die |
Pasado | Past |
Pianista | Pianist |
Príncipe | Prince |
Querían ser | Wanted to be |
Recibir | To receive |
Relacionado | Related |
Salir | To leave / to go out |
Se divertía | Was having a lot of fun |
Sorteo | Draw |
Soñaba con | Used to dream of |
Sueña con | Dreams of |
Símbolo | Symbol |
Te divertiste | Did you have fun |
Temporal | Temporary |
Ver un programa de televisión | Watch a TV programme |
Volver | To return |