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Spanish A2 module 2: El buen pasado (The good old past)

This is learning module 2 of 6 of our Spanish A2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: A2

Learning goals:

  • Describe recuerdos y actividades pasadas. (Describe memories and past activities.)
  • Conoce los tiempos pasados. (Know the past tenses.)

Short stories

Learning material Audio Actions
A2.11.2: Los sueños de Laura y sus amigos Laura's Dreams and Those of Her Friends
Chapter: Infancia y recuerdos (Childhood and memories)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.12.1: Juan hizo un voluntariado en Madrid Juan did a volunteer project in Madrid
Chapter: Mi tiempo en la escuela (My time at school)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

A2.13.2: Un Viaje por las Décadas A Journey Through the Decades
Chapter: A través de las décadas (Through the decades)
Level: A2

Audio with translations
Audio with translations