Spanish A1 module 5: En casa (At home)
This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Describe tu hogar y sus alrededores directos. (Describe your home and direct surroundings.)
- Mascotas y plantas básicas dentro y alrededor de la casa. (Basic pets and plants in and around the house.)
Word list (165)
Core vocabulary
Verbs: 25,
Adjectives: 5,
Nouns: 79,
Sentences / word combination: 1
Context vocabulary:
Spanish | English |
A la derecha de las | To the right of the |
Abre | Opens |
Abrir | Open |
Al lado del | Next to the |
Alacena | Cupboard |
Alojamiento | Accommodation |
Alquilar | Hire |
Animales | Animals |
Apagar | Turn off |
Balcones | Balconies |
Baños | Bathrooms |
Brasero | Heater |
Calentar | To heat |
Calor | Warmth |
Casa de alquiler | Rental house |
Casas | Houses |
Castillos | Castles |
Cepillar | To brush |
Cerrar | To close |
Comedores | Dining rooms |
Comparten | They share |
Compartir | To share |
Compartir piso | Sharing a flat |
Convivir | To live together |
Correas | Leashes |
Cortar | Slice |
Cuidar | To take care of |
Cultivar | To cultivate |
Delante de los | In front of the |
Despacio | Slow |
Dormitorio | Bedroom |
Dormitorios | Bedrooms |
El apartamento | The apartment |
El armario | The wardrobe |
El balcón | The balcony |
El baño | The bathroom |
El bol | The bowl |
El cactus | The cactus |
El casero | The landlord |
El columpio | The swing |
El comedor | The dining room |
El conejo | The rabbit |
El cuchillo | The knife |
El césped | The grass |
El dormitorio | The bedroom |
El dúplex | The duplex |
El escritorio | The desk |
El frigorífico | The fridge |
El garaje | The garage |
El gato | The cat |
El horno | The oven |
El hotel | The hotel |
El jardinero | The gardener |
El jardín | The garden |
El lavabo | The sink |
El lavaplatos | The dishwasher |
El loft | The loft |
El mantel | The tablecloth |
El microondas | The microwave |
El paseo | The walk |
El pasillo | The hallway |
El perro | The dog |
El pez | The fish |
El plato | The plate |
El propietario | The owner |
El pájaro | The bird |
El radiador | The radiator |
El ratón | The mouse |
El salón | The living room |
El sofá | The sofa |
El suelo | The floor |
El tenedor | The fork |
El vaso | The glass |
El váter | The toilet |
El árbol | The tree |
Encender | To turn on |
Encima de la | On the |
Entonces | So |
Entre | Between |
Escaleras | Stairs |
Está | It is |
Festivales | Festivals |
Firmar | To sign |
Flor de azahar | Orange blossom |
Flores | Flowers |
Fregar | To scrub |
Gatos | Cats |
Haber | To have |
Habitaciones | Bedrooms |
Hay | Is there |
Hoteles | Hotels |
Jardín | Garden |
La aspiradora | The vacuum cleaner |
La bañera | The bathtub |
La cama | The bed |
La casa | The house |
La cocina | The kitchen |
La copa | The glass |
La correa | The lead |
La cuchara | The spoon |
La ducha | The shower |
La escalera | The staircase |
La flor | The flower |
La habitación | The room |
La hipoteca | The mortgage |
La hoja | The leaf |
La jarra | The jug |
La lavadora | The washing machine |
La lámpara | The lamp |
La mesa | The table |
La olla | The pot |
La pared | The wall |
La piedra | The stone |
La plancha | The iron |
La planta | The plant |
La puerta | The door |
La sartén | The frying pan |
La secadora | The dryer |
La semilla | The seed |
La servilleta | The napkin |
La silla | The chair |
La taza | The cup |
La tierra | The soil |
La tortuga | The turtle |
La urbanización | The housing development |
La ventana | The window |
La villa | The villa |
Las servilletas | The napkins |
Lento | Slow |
Limpiar | Clean |
Limpio | Clean |
Los platos | The plates |
Los tenedores | The forks |
Mascotas | Pets |
Mesa camilla | Round table with a heating element |
Monasterios | Monasteries |
Mueble | Furniture |
Naranjos | Orange trees |
Paradores | Paradores |
Paseando | Walking |
Pasear | To walk |
Perros | Dogs |
Poner | To put |
Pongo | I put |
Porque | Because |
Productos locales | Local produce |
Puertas | Doors |
Radiadores | Radiators |
Regar | To water |
Reservan | They reserve |
Reservar | Book |
Rápido | Quick |
Se calientan | They warm up |
Secar | To dry |
Sembrar | To sow |
Sentarse | To sit down |
Sobre | On |
Sucio | Dirty |
Tazas | Cups |
Tender | To hang (up) |
Tiendo | I hang |
Tradicionales | Traditional |
Traer | To bring |
Utensilios | Utensils |
Árboles | Trees |