Spanish A1 module 5: En casa (At home)
This is learning module 5 of 6 of our Spanish A1 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.
Full learning program: A1
Learning goals:
- Describe tu hogar y sus alrededores directos. (Describe your home and direct surroundings.)
- Mascotas y plantas básicas dentro y alrededor de la casa. (Basic pets and plants in and around the house.)
Learning material | Audio | Actions |
A1.31.1: Día de invitados Guest day |
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A1.32.1: Planeando la casa nueva Planning the new house |
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A1.33.1: Preparar la mesa Set the table |
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A1.34.1: Cocinar y limpiar con electrodomésticos Cooking and cleaning with appliances |
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A1.35.1: Búsqueda de alojamiento para las vacaciones Finding accommodation for the holidays |
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A1.36.1: Cuidando el jardín Tending the garden |
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A1.37.1: Cuidando a nuestras mascotas Taking care of our pets |
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