Planear (to plan) - Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative) Share Copied!

Planear - Conjugation of to plan in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the simple conditional, indicative tense (Condicional simple, indicativo).
Condicional simple, indicativo (Simple conditional, indicative)
All conjugations and tenses: Planear (to plan) - Verb conjugation and exercises
Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Fechas del calendario y días festivos. (Calendar dates and holidays)
Conjugation of to plan in Condicional simple
Spanish | English |
yo planearía | I would plan |
tú planearías | You would plan |
él/ella planearía | He would plan |
nosotros/nosotras planearíamos | We would plan |
vosotros/vosotras planearíais | You would plan |
ellos/ellas planearían | They would plan |
Example phrases
Spanish | English |
Yo planearía visitar la oficina de turismo. | I would plan to visit the tourist office. |
Tú planearías el viaje con el guía turístico. | You would plan the trip with the tour guide. |
Él planearía una excursión relajada. | He would plan a relaxed excursion. |
Nosotros planearíamos comprar un billete pronto. | We would plan to buy a ticket soon. |
Vosotros planearíais irse de vacaciones en verano. | You would plan to go on holiday in summer. |
Ellos planearían tener planes en la agencia de viajes. | They would plan to have plans at the travel agency. |
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct form.
planearíais, planearía, planearías, planearíamos, planearían
Vosotros ... irse de vacaciones en verano.
(You would plan to go on holiday in summer.)
Tú ... el viaje con el guía turístico.
(You would plan the trip with the tour guide.)
Él ... una excursión relajada.
(He would plan a relaxed excursion.)
Nosotros ... comprar un billete pronto.
(We would plan to buy a ticket soon.)
Yo ... visitar la oficina de turismo.
(I would plan to visit the tourist office.)
Ellos ... tener planes en la agencia de viajes.
(They would plan to have plans at the travel agency.)