Hacer (to do) - Imperativo, imperativo (Imperative, imperative)

 Hacer (to do) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Hacer - Conjugation of to do in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the imperative, imperative tense (Imperativo, imperativo).

Imperativo, imperativo (Imperative, imperative)

All conjugations and tenses: Hacer (to do) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Rutinas diarias (Daily routines)

Conjugation of to do in Imperativo

Spanish English
Haz! Do!
Haga! Let's do!
Hagamos! Let's do!
Haced! You do
Hagan! They do

Example phrases

Spanish English
Haz la compra en la frutería! Do the shopping at the greengrocer's!
Que haga la devolución en la tienda! Return it to the shop!
Hagamos una visita al centro comercial! Let's visit the shopping centre!
Haced cola en la carnicería! Queue at the butcher's!
Que hagan negocios en el estanco! Do business in the tobacconist's!

Exercise: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct form.

Show translation Show answers

haced, haz, hagamos, haga, hagan

... la compra en la frutería!
(Do the shopping at the greengrocer's!)
Que ... la devolución en la tienda!
(Return it to the shop!)
... una visita al centro comercial!
(Let's visit the shopping centre!)
... cola en la carnicería!
(Queue at the butcher's!)
Que ... negocios en el estanco!
(Do business in the tobacconist's!)