Estar (to be) - Subjuntivo presente, subjuntivo (Present subjunctive, subjunctive)

 Estar (to be) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Estar - Conjugation of to be in Spanish: Conjugation table, examples and exercises in the present subjunctive, subjunctive tense (Subjuntivo presente, subjuntivo).

Subjuntivo presente, subjuntivo (Present subjunctive, subjunctive)

All conjugations and tenses: Estar (to be) - Verb conjugation and exercises

Syllabus: Spanish lesson - Saludos y despedidas (Greetings and Farewells)

Conjugation of to be in Subjuntivo presente

Spanish English
yo esté I be
tú estés you be
él/ella esté he be
nosotros/nosotras estemos we be
vosotros/vosotras estéis you all be
ellos/ellas estén they be

Example phrases

Spanish English