Estar (to be) - Verb conjugation and exercises Share Copied!
Conjugation of estar (to be) for all verb tenses with example phrases and exercises.

Learning materials that implement this verb:
Level: A1
Module 1: Presentarse (To introduce oneself)
Lesson 1: Saludos y despedidas (Greetings and Farewells)
Basic verb forms
Infinitivo (Infinitive) | Gerundio (Gerund) | Participio (Participle) |
Estar (to be) | Estando (Being) | Estado (I am) |
Estar (to be): Verb conjugation tables
Indicativo (Indicative) | Subjuntivo (Subjunctive) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
PresenteShare Copied!
Pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo presenteShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito perfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pretérito imperfectoShare Copied!
Subjuntivo pluscuamperfectoShare Copied!
Pretérito indefinidoShare Copied!
Pretérito anteriorShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro simpleShare Copied!
Subjuntivo futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Futuro simpleShare Copied!
Futuro perfectoShare Copied!
Condicional simpleShare Copied!
Condicional perfectoShare Copied!
Present and future tenses: A1
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
You all are at home.
Vosotros estáis en casa.
I will be delighted to see you.
Estaré encantado de verte.
They are on vacation.
Ellos están de vacaciones.
You will be happy to know it.
Vosotros estaréis felices de saberlo.
We will be here for the greeting.
Nosotros estaremos aquí para el saludo.
Basic past tenses (A2/B1)
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
You have been learning karate.
Habéis estado aprendiendo karate.
He has been running in the park.
Ha estado corriendo en el parque.
We have been practicing swimming.
Hemos estado practicando natación.
They have been cycling in the mountains.
Han estado haciendo ciclismo en la montaña.
You have been playing tennis.
Has estado jugando al tenis.
Basic subjunctive exercises: B1
Exercise: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
estuvieran/estuviesen, estuviéramos/estuviésemos, estuvierais/estuvieseis, estuviera/estuviese
Si nosotros ... de vacaciones, visitaríamos la playa.
(If we were on holiday, we would visit the beach.)
Si yo ... allí, te ayudaría.
(If I were there, I would help you.)
Si él ... en casa, contestaría el teléfono.
(If he were at home, he would answer the phone.)
Si ellos ... aquí, lo sabríamos.
(If they were here, we would know.)
Si vosotros ... más callados, podría concentrarme.
(If you were quieter, I could concentrate.)
Advanced exercises: C1/C2
Exercise: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.
If you had been there, you would have understood.
Si tú hubieras/hubieses estado allí, habrías entendido.
If you had been prepared, the exam would have been easier.
Si vosotros/vosotras hubierais/hubieseis estado preparados, el examen habría sido más fácil.
You would have been happier if you had passed the exam.
Tú habrías estado más contento si hubieras aprobado el examen.
I would have been at the meeting if they had informed me in time.
Yo habría estado en la reunión si me hubieran avisado a tiempo.
It is likely that he has been busy.
Es probable que él haya estado ocupado.