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Spanish A2.25: Personal hygiene - recap exercises

These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.

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These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.

Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

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comprado, regalado, junto, natural, mía

La ciudad tiene un parque enorme ... a la plaza.
(The city has a huge park next to the square.)
2. Comprar:
El jazmín que hemos ... está en el balcón.
(The jasmine we have bought is on the balcony.)
3. Regalar:
El ramo de flores que me han ... tiene muchas rosas.
(The bouquet of flowers I have been given has many roses.)
¡Qué ... parece este parque! Creo que todo es orgánico.
(How natural this park looks! I think everything is organic.)
5. 1a singular:
Solo yo conozco esta vista. Es ....
(Only I know this view. It is mine.)

Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence

Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.


Las botas de montaña

Hiking boots


La tarta de chocolate

The chocolate cake



To show


El norte

The north


La tienda de regalos

The gift shop

Exercise 3: Verb conjugation

Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.

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regalo, plantáis, habéis llevado, sube, observan

Yo te ... este girasol.
(I give you this sunflower.)
... botas de montaña para el senderismo.
(You have brought hiking boots for trekking.)
Él ... el camino para disfrutar de las vistas.
(He goes up the path to enjoy the views.)
... los viajeros en el aeropuerto.
(Travellers observe at the airport.)
Vosotros ... bastantes amapolas.
(You plant quite a few poppies.)

Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences

Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.

1. Los elefantes de África son más grandes que los de otros continentes.
African elephants are larger than those from other continents.
2. Las águilas son más bonitas que los buitres en la selva.
Eagles are more beautiful than vultures in the jungle.
3. Tú encantas a todos con ese ramo de flores.
You charm everyone with that bouquet of flowers.
4. Los lagos en esta área son perfectos para hacer senderismo.
The lakes in this area are perfect for hiking.
5. Qué fascinante luce la luna en el cielo nocturno.
How fascinating the moon looks in the night sky.