Spanish A1.4: Numbers and counting - recap exercises
These exercises can be made together with the teacher to start the lesson.
These exercises repeat the last 5 lessons and can be done at the start of the lesson or as homework to prepare the lesson.
Exercise 1: Grammar recap exercise (last 5 lessons)
Instruction: Fill in the correct word.
La, Ustedes, El, Las, Vosotros
Exercise 2: Translate and use in a sentence
Instruction: Pick a word, translated and use the word in a sentence or dialogue.
To write
Buenas tardes
Good afternoon
Nice to meet you
La ciudad
The city
El apodo
The nickname
Exercise 3: Verb conjugation
Instruction: Choose the correct verb and tense.
habléis, me presento, vive, os presentáis, soy
Exercise 4: Translate and make sentences
Instruction: Translate the words and phrases below.