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Spanish A2.20.1 Marta's Flower Shop

A short story about a day in Marta's flower shop.

Cuento corto: La floristería de Marta

Una historia corta sobre un día en la floristería de Marta.

Spanish A2.20.1 Marta's Flower Shop

A2 Spanish

Level: A2

Module 3: Planes para el fin de semana (Weekend plans)

Lesson 20: Comprar un regalo especial (Buying a special gift)

Teaching guidelines +/- 15 minutes

Audio and video

Audio with translations
Audio with translations

Text and translation

1. Marta tiene un jardín que está lleno de flores. Marta has a garden that is full of flowers.
2. Ella planta las flores y luego las lleva a su floristería. Marta has a garden full of flowers. She plants the flowers and then takes them to her florist shop. Marta's florist shop is very pretty. Every day, people come to buy bouquets of flowers. The roses that are red are very popular. She also has some white daisies. Marta's favourite flower is the sunflower. They remind her of the sun. While she is arranging the vases, a man arrives. The man says to her:
3. La floristería de Marta que está en el centro es muy bonita. Marta's florist's shop which is in the centre is very beautiful.
4. Todos los días hay muchas personas que compran aquí ramos de flores. Every day there are many people who buy bouquets of flowers here.
5. Las rosas que son rojas son muy populares. The roses that are red are very popular.
6. Marta también tiene unas margaritas blancas y pequeñas. Marta also has some small white daisies.
7. La flor favorita de Marta son los girasoles. Marta's favourite flower is the sunflower.
8. Cuando ella organiza los floreros llega un hombre. When she arranges the vases a man arrives.
9. Él le dice: "Quiero comprar los narcisos amarillos." He says to her: "I want to buy the daffodils that are yellow."
10. Marta le dice: "¿Le quieres regalar un ramo a tu mujer?" Marta says to him: "Do you want to give a bouquet to your wife?"
11. El hombre le responde: "Sí, quiero regalarle un ramo de flores." The man replies to her, "Yes, I want to give her a bouquet of flowers."
12. Marta le hace un ramo de flores y también le da un tulipán. Marta makes him a bouquet of flowers and also gives him a tulip.
13. El hombre está muy contento y se despide sonriendo. The man is very happy and says goodbye smiling.

Exercise 1: Discussion questions

Instruction: Discuss the questions after listening to the audio or reading through the text.

  1. ¿Dónde Marta planta sus flores?
  2. Where does Marta plant her flowers?
  3. ¿Qué flores compra el hombre?
  4. What flowers is the man buying?
  5. ¿Cuáles son tus flores favoritas y por qué?
  6. What are your favourite flowers and why?
  7. ¿Has regalado flores a alguien alguna vez?
  8. Have you ever given flowers to someone?
  9. ¿Has plantado una flor alguna vez?
  10. Have you ever planted a flower?

Exercise 2:

Instruction: Fill in the correct word.

Show translation Show answers

floristería, tulipán, margaritas, floreros, regalar, girasoles

Cuando ella organiza los ... llega un hombre.
(When she arranges the vases, a man arrives.)
La flor favorita de Marta son los ....
(Marta's favorite flower is the sunflower.)
Marta también tiene unas ... blancas y pequeñas.
(Marta also has some small white daisies.)
Marta le dice: "¿Le quieres ... un ramo a tu mujer?"
(Marta says to him, "Do you want to give your wife a bouquet?")
La ... de Marta que está en el centro es muy bonita.
(Marta's flower shop that is in the centre is very beautiful.)
Marta le hace un ramo de flores y también le da un ....
(Marta makes him a bouquet of flowers and also gives him a tulip.)