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Spanish B2 module 2: Tecnología y sociedad (Technology and society)

This is learning module 2 of 6 of our Spanish B2 syllabus. Each learning module contains 6 till 8 chapters.

Full learning program: B2

Learning goals:

  • Evolución tecnológica (Tech evolution)
  • Impacto de la sociedad (Impact of society)

Word list (12)

Core vocabulary (12): Verbs: 2, Adjectives: 5, Interjection: 2, Nouns: 3,

Spanish English
El desarrollo The development
Futurista Futuristic
Imaginario Imaginary
Influir To influence
Interactivo Interactive
La innovación The innovation
La inteligencia artificial The artificial intelligence
La realidad virtual The virtual reality
La simulación The simulation
Paralelo Parallel
Real Real
Simular To simulate